David Aboussafy

A man looking to buy a snake gets far more than he bargained for as he is drawn into a mysterious woman's home of exotic reptiles.

Far into the mountains, in a community led by a preacher named El SeƱor, a new child who is supposed to be the new messiah, is brought, and with him destruction and redemption.


A man being investigated for his girlfriend's murder sets out on a two-day journey to explore their debauched city in the back of a rented limo.


The Catholic Church is trying to save an innocent soul from the ravages of satanic possession. Wave after wave of holy men are sent to confront the possessed.


While on a fourth of July holiday, six best friends fall victim to the insidious plan of a terrorist organization when they unknowingly take a bio-active drug that transforms them into bloodthirsty cannibals.


A young woman finds her inner beauty while in the throws of a mysterious doctors surgical embrace.


A young man is accused of his ex-girlfriend's murder. Before he is formally charged by the police, he sets out on a two-day odyssey to find the real killer: tracking down his leads from the backseat of a rented limousine. This allows him to converse and ponder class, society, life in the city, and to contemplate the dirt that runs in the small nooks and valleys of cosmopolitan life. Mid-way through the film, the style transforms into Brividio Giallo contemporary, wordless operatic imagery of sex and violence.


Atrocious is a film that portrays the story of two serial killers, who after being arrested for causing a traffic accident, police confiscate some videotapes. These tapes contain brutal murders that show human wickedness, their background, paraphilias and psyche of these murderers.


In 1898, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson travel to Germany to investigate a strange case in the village of Darmstadt near castle Frankenstein.