David J. Kinghorn

Just as Mary is about to take a romantic vacation with her boyfriend, a terrible accident leaves her paralyzed. Bitter and devastated by her condition, she shuns her friends, but with the help of Joe, a fellow paraplegic, she learns to embrace life and love again.


Honest cop in corrupt 1940s Los Angeles fights against gangsters who are kidnapping and selling women into prostitution.


A married middle age man with two children who are in college, who also didn't finish college decides to go and enroll at his kids' college. He also decides to try out for football, and makes the team. He becomes a phenom. But all of this causes friction between him and his son, and also trouble between him and his wife, who wants him to quit the team. But he chooses to stay with it.


TV movie based upon the true story of Calvin Graham, who, as a 12 year old boy, enlisted in the US Navy during WWII.


A retired fighter pilot becomes the head of his alma matter military high school for two weeks with hilarious consequences. He shapes up the school and raises morale so that they are able to win the "brass-axe" competition versus another local military academy.


A veteran pilot finds himself knee-deep in trouble when his ex-girlfriend shows up at his doorstep in a terrible state. She knows the whereabouts of an immense fortune, and the Mafia is hot on her trail.


An elderly, venerable priest, goes over the Golden Gate bridge and everyone except his nurse, Sister Benecia, believes that it was suicide. Sister Benecia finally convices the police department to assign a dectective, the cynical, irascible Paul Silver, to investigate. The "Mad Nun" and the "Mad Cop" become a formidable investigative team -- and much, much more.
