David Kane

Based on Iain Banks's best-selling novel, this romantic mystery follows Stewart as he returns to his childhood home and tries to discover the truth behind his best friend's death.


The sequel to The Field of Blood, an adaptation of Denise Mina's novel. It's 1984 and Paddy Meehan tries to make a career for herself in her dream job, working the night shift on the call car, against the backdrop of the miner's strike and the changing face of journalism. The arrival of a new editor in chief threatens to thwart her ambitions and hopes for happiness, whilst,an innocuous call to a disturbance in a posh area of Glasgow leads her to uncover a cold-blooded murder.

Adaptation of Denise Mina's thriller set in 1982. When the story of a murder has huge implications for her family, newspaper copy boy Paddy Meehan battles prejudices to get to the truth. As she inches closer to revealing the truth, her investigations place her in mortal danger.


Midnight Man is a 2008 British television serial produced by Carnival Films for the ITV network. The three-part serial stars James Nesbitt as Max Raban, a former investigative journalist who discovers an international conspiracy involving government policy groups and death squads. It co-stars Catherine McCormack as Alice Ross, a policy advisor who helps Raban, and Reece Dinsdale as Blake, the head of the death squad. The serial was written by David Kane in response to national paranoia in the wake of the War on Terror. Kane was inspired by the way the films Three Days of the Condor, The Parallax View and The Conversation reflected a post-Vietnam paranoia in the United States. The director David Drury had the predominantly nighttime-set serial filmed in the winter, to maximise the use of darkness and keep down production costs. His inspiration for the look of the serial came from The Godfather, which featured rich colours. Reaction to the serial was generally positive; critics believed the drama was formulaic and uninspired, but appreciated the direction and acting. Nesbitt received a Best Actor nomination at the 2008 ITV3 Crime Thriller Awards.


Abel Grey is sent to investigate the death of a boy from an exclusive local school, who is found floating in the river. Fearing scandal, the school insists it was suicide. But after discovering from the boy's girlfriend, Carlin, that he was being badly bullied, Abel suspects that a dangerous schoolboy initiation has gone horribly wrong and he secretly solicits the help of a sympathetic teacher, Betsy. He is warned off the investigation by his boss, as the school is a generous benefactor to the Police benevolent fund. Abel, however, cannot let the case go, not only because his own brother committed suicide years before, but also it seems that the spirit of the dead boy is leaving them clues as to what really happened that night.


In modern-day London, three men (Craig Ferguson, Jimi Mistry and David Morrissey) and three women (Olivia Williams, Jane Horrocks and Catherine McCormack) fall in and out of love and back again, to the Greek-chorus accompaniment of two cab drivers, who engage in an ongoing conversation about sex. A winning romantic comedy, Born Romantic is the second feature by British writer-director David Kane of This Year's Love fame.


The big-screen debut from Scottish stage director David Kane, This Year's Love is a comedy about the romantic misadventures of six young people in Camden, North London. The marriage of tattoo artist Danny (Douglas Hanshall) and dressmaker Hannah (Catherine McCormack) gets off to a less-than-inspiring start when Danny finds out Hannah has already been fooling around with a friend's husband, so Danny takes a walk and Hannah splits with a friend to get drunk. At the airport, where the newly-weds were supposed to leave for a honeymoon, Danny meets a cleaning woman named Mary (Kathy Burke) and is immediately infatuated, while Hannah is picked up by a scruffy artist named Cameron (Dougray Scott). Elsewhere, Liam (Ian Hart), a geeky comic-art enthusiast who shares an apartment with Cameron, finds romance with Sophie (Jennifer Ehle), a single mother and full-time neurotic.


An off-beat romantic comedy about the complex relationships between the inhabitants of a Glasgow tenement block. The final film in the Love Bites trilogy.


Annie Kirk's life is in chaos. She is broke, unemployed, can't pay her poll tax and has two boyfriends she wants to be shot of. She is determined to break out, but how can she get the cash? Annie dreams up an ingenious plan - having a baby. The plan has alarming consequences.


On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin is hurtling through space. Down below, 7-year-old Billy Wilson keeps watching the skies, itching for an encounter with an alien being. When he discovers a mysterious stranger in a house nearby, events take a sinister turn. -GusF
