David Neville

A three day period of peace is decimated by the howling wind and the stinging rain of a senile and wizened Fergal Coen who foretells a bad omen that will plague Highfields; a foreboding and brooding force that can make Satan brown his undergarments. The inhabitants of Highfields dismiss Fergal's foretelling. Their ignorance comes at a cost.

Coming to a P.E hall near you, is another chapter in the sacred and sanguinary saga of Havoc in Highfields. When some average drifter by the name of “Turkey” thinks he can have a straightener with a manic Pigeon Fella in the yard after he took his hallowed Petits Filous, the enraged Pigeon Fella challenges him to a quarrel in the wastelands of Highfields. The stakes are sky piercingly high because this time, the champion will dethrone The High King of Highfields and shall have the force of the cavalry resting in his smiting hand.

In a desolate village where few live and aren't living well, two dim yet eccentric outlaws; Boyle and Neville seek refuge from a ruthless bailiff who ravages the countryside in search of them along with his trusty confidant; a sword. The eponymous characters interact with the obscure and weary townsfolk, down trodden by crop failure. Within these interactions sprout outlandish dialogue and actions of sinful intentions as time frays and the glimmer of the blade gets brighter as The Bailiff draws nearer.

Boyle steps down as Chief Highwayman and starts to pursue a life in riverside fishing and writing in seclusion and serenity. Upon writing his memoirs, he stumbles across a startling, dream like memory. To decipher it he is put through trials of struggle and trauma. Upon the brook, sinister lurks in the reeds.

In 2019 a delirious inventor is struggling to get A’s in his Junior. Over twelve Capri-Sun and Spicebag fuelled nights, Filip conceives an idea unsought of in the present. An indestructible nanowire threaded through aerospace to pick up frequencies from around the world; land, air or sea. His genius comes at a cost as his teacher Flemmy and the KGB draw nearer to use his divine device for war.

Twelve scouts supplied with only jammy dodgers and a strange brew are compacted into an Icelandic tent. Amongst them there comes a trail of deceit, power struggles, insanity and the whiff of an uprising.