David Nolden

Tom is a nice guy, and that's his problem: Real women don't like nice guys. No surprise that he has never gotten laid. On graduation day and amidst laughter, he is presented with Fixi, a lifesize sex doll. How embarassing! But the next morning, Tom awakes next to a real woman - Fixi came to life.


A mother is good. Several mothers at once are hell! Conny is 37 years old and has so far let her life being arranged by others - especially by her husband Lawrence. Lorenz has made the previous gray mouse, a trophy wife and offers her a carefree life. And so Conny falls from the clouds, when her husband announced her at dinner that he wants a divorce. Of necessity Conny pulls together the two children in the ancient house of Lorenz deceased mother and realized with horror that from now on everything will be different. Since it holds its own for non-viable, she clings to a clique of high-society mothers...
