David Povall

It sounded like just another urban legend: A videotape filled with nightmarish images, leading to a phone call foretelling the viewer's death in exactly seven days. As a newspaper reporter, Rachel Keller was naturally skeptical of the story, until four teenagers all met with mysterious deaths exactly one week after watching just such a tape. Allowing her investigative curiosity to get the better of her, Rachel tracks down the video... and watches it. Now she has just seven days to unravel the mystery of the Ring.


Based on a true story in the American owned Cananea mine. It depicts how the owner profits while the Mexican workers struggle to survive and are exploited for their labour.


"Rapiña" is a history about the tragic consequences of greed, after a plane crashes nearby a small Mexican town.


Third movie in "Life of Christ" trilogy.


She has an incurable heart condition, her son's a shoplifter, her husband's an alcoholic, her daughter runs away from home...


Hogan, on his way to do some reconnaissance for a future mission to capture a French fort, encounters Sister Sara, a nun in trouble. Before he knows it, Hogan is accompanying Sister Sara in the dangerous frontier while she seeks to achieve a hidden goal.


A man, torn inside by two passions, falls for the woman against whom he sought revenge, believing her to be responsible for the death of his brother.
