David Sederholm

Alex Manning and her friends decide to visit the local video arcade known as "Dante's Inferno" where a new virtual reality arcade game called "Arcade" is being test marketed by a computer company CEO. However, it soon becomes clear that the teenagers who lose are being imprisoned inside the virtual reality world by the central villain "Arcade" and takes over their minds.


Colombia 1662: In the Spanish colonies there the Inquisition: apostates are tortured, burned witches. The indigenous people are demonized and in the middle are two friends into enemies. The doctor Alfonso should marry the eldest daughter of the wealthy Don Ramon, but her other two sisters hedges of deadly intrigue. Father Guzman plays a spy of the church is a dangerous game that will be fatal for him and the mysterious Esmeralda turned all men's head.


A masked killer, wearing World War II U.S. Army fatigues, stalks a small New Jersey town bent on reliving a 35-year-old double murder by focusing on a group of college kids holding an annual Spring Dance.
