De Leon Anthony

Travelogue by Andre de la Varre from 1952 that highlights key travel destinations throughout France, Italy, Spain, Austria and France.

In this short film, a fox cub experiences life in the forest.


This Warner Bros. The Sports Parade series short chronicles the attempt by a group of men to navigate the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon to Lake Mead. Led by Norman D. Nevills, nine men undertake a nineteen days trip in three specially built rowboats through the more than 200 rapids, some which run at 30 mph. Along the way, they see the remnants of previous expeditions. They also visit abandoned Pueblo Indian cave dwellings.


This short film, produced at the end of WWII, warns that although Adolf Hitler is dead, his ideas live on.


Warner Bros. short about stuntmen and stuntwomen and how they do their work, featuring real-life stunt artists Harvey Parry, Mary Wiggins, and Allen Pomeroy.


This short film showcases the skills of Howard Hill, known as the "World's Greatest Archer".


This 1940 presentation features highlights of earlier (1928 onward) Oscar ceremonies including Shirley Temple and Walt Disney, plus acceptance speeches for films released in 1939 with recipients and presenters including Vivien Leigh, Judy Garland, Hattie McDaniel, Fay Bainter, Mickey Rooney, Thomas Mitchell, Sinclair Lewis, and more, with host Bob Hope.


Join the Hubbard family - father, mother and two small children - on safari. Encounter giraffes, hippos, leopards and crocodiles; share the terror when a grass fire engulfs the Hubbards' camp; share the fun when pet monkeys join the expedition; and witness a hyena/lioness battle and a heart-stopping lion attack on the Hubbard's oxen. Compiled from "Adventures in Africa", a series of 12 two-reel shorts, released by Warner Bros. in 1931.


Jason Robards Sr. (Carvel Emerson) and George Fawcett (Emerson Jr.) play a father-and-son team of cons, who gamble their firm’s assets. Emerson Jr. is caught investing money that doesn't belong to him and is indicted on a swindling charge. The plot gets spicy when the District Attorney handling the case is his former sweetheart, Catherine Darwin's husband. This situation gives the DA an opportunity to prosecute his romantic rival.


The daughter of a wealthy industrialist wants to take over the company when her father retires, but the father--an old-fashioned sort who doesn't believe that "girls" belong in business--is planning on leaving the company to her wastrel playboy brother. In order to prove to her dad that she can handle the job, she disguises herself as an ordinary "working girl" and gets a job in her dad's plant. There she meets and falls in love with a clerk. She brings the young man home to meet her folks, but during the evening the family safe is robbed, and all signs point to her new boyfriend.


Pertio, an Argentine dancer, has a severely scarred face that has kept him from succeeding in his chosen career. He is persuaded by Caricia, an Argentine dancer who has become a star, to have a plastic surgeon repair his face. The surgery is successful and the two dancers team up both professionally and personally. However, the doctor who performed the operation has fallen madly in love with Caricia, and his determination to have her leads him to perform a procedure on Pertio that makes his scars reappear.
