Dean Paraskevopoulos

In this satiric comedy that offers a jaundiced look at the film industry, Leslie Miller (Ashley Hill) and David Johnson (King Wilder) are a producer/director team who've been working along the lowest rungs of the low-budget film industry for longer than they care to recall. Hoping to move up in the world, Leslie and David decide to start pitching a glossier project around town, and they score a deal with a major studio to make a mid-budget science fiction-thriller. However, Leslie and David soon find themselves butting heads with the head of the studio, and when the financing is pulled from their project, they find themselves trying to finish it on a budget even they find impossible. Jason Priestley, Neve Campbell, and Dean Devlin all make cameo appearances as themselves.


Danny Reilly (Dean Paras) is a self-obsessed man who, after dumping Renee Weber (Neve Campbell), falls in love again with Corey Wells (Katie Wright). But Renee makes it her mission to see that Danny never falls in love again and sets out for attack when he falls for Corey. Who will get the girl when Danny's constantly talking roomie Tim (Stefan Brogren) falls in love with Corey too?


Bruce Macdonald follows punk bank Hard Core Logo on a harrowing last-gasp reunion tour throughout Western Canada. As magnetic lead-singer Joe Dick holds the whole magilla together through sheer force of will, all the tensions and pitfalls of life on the road come bubbling to the surface.


Teenager, Clare Steves, is kidnapped by an old boyfriend, Eddie Spencer, who demands $250,000. The ransom is paid and Clare is released, but when the kidnapers are caught, they claim that the whole scheme was Clare's idea as a way to punish her father. She denies it and is put on trial.


A man is asked by his parents to run an apartment complex they own and becomes acquainted with an intriguing hippie girl and various other people from all walks of life who live there.
