Dean Testerman

Pleasantries are quickly pushed aside when Shirley Sadstone, the ostracized black sheep of a money-obsessed family, shows up to Thanksgiving unannounced and uninvited. As the virtue-signaling "always happy" Sadstones begin carving Shirley up like the proverbial turkey before them, tensions dramatically boil over with deadly and unforeseen consequences - forever reshaping the Sadstone family dynamic.

After filming a woman falling to her death, Ashton Kennedy is haunted by a demon that will constantly watch him for the rest of his life.


Stranded in the secluded wilderness of Pleasant Oaks, a group of friends fight for survival against a terror that lurks in the woods.


Sahara Teka is a beautiful young woman known for her raging temper and will stand up to anyone, except her abusive ex. When Mac comes to her rescue she falls in love and marries him after only 24 hours. Deep buried secrets about each other are slowly revealed putting their love and whirlwind marriage to a test that few can survive.
