Debleena Sen

Strange incidents occur in the heart of Shonajhuri forest in rural Bengal (the backdrop for both stories) which develops an ominous character of its own that allures and finally engulfs our protagonists.


Recalling memories of a friend who committed suicide, three lovers slowly slide into an anguish labyrinth of desire, loss and longing. They entangle in a colliding maze of forsaken loves, failed expectations and imperfect anticipations. A disintegrating web arises in which love exists, but as dispassionate yearning. Here affection is an indifferent desire that burns the soul to death.

Three separate stories of loss,grief and loneliness interconnected through a fish.It explores the lives and relationships of 5 characters and their suffering!

Ahana Sen, a filmmaker, is suffering from personal trauma that she can't come to terms with. Her friend Sayantan, a psychiatrist, helps to deal. Then she meets a man and her life begins to change.


Rohit, a Gujarati, studies the life of Anthony Firengee, and in the process meets with a mysterious man Kushawl Hajra.


A story of a night between an aged and a young woman who happens to be his ex finance. But how can that be true? The discussion becomes trustworthy while the woman complains for leaving her alone many years back but the arrogance of the man never acknowledge his mistakes rather he starts getting back all of his unfulfilled dreams that were left sometime. Next day another incident take place which reveals the crazy game between the two.


Ten women, from different parts of the world, with tragic and abusive pasts.


In an empty hospital in Kolkata, India, a man faces protocols of blood, a subtly discriminatory office, and a vacant operating theater. His mind is on a loop of the last months of his wife’s life, when a quiet argument developed. When is the end of pharma-medical care, whose life is it anyway?
