Deborah Thompson Duda

Lives spiral out of control when four friends cover up a murder.


On a trip to Europe, a woman gets abducted and soon finds herself in a training facility for female mercenaries...


A modern vampire is killing people and sucking blood in the city. The police can't stop him, because of his wits and strength. One night, fighting with a police woman, the vampire bites her, but instead of becoming a new mistress for him, this woman becomes a super vampi-cop...


Some college kids accidently unleash a sex demon and she ends up turning a frat party inside out.


Committed to overthrowing a bloodthirsty tyrant, brave freedom fighter Blaine (James Phillips) earns a one-way ticket to Prison Planet, an inhospitable wasteland where he battles violent goons and struggles to find Himshaw (Jack Willcox), the key to restoring peace and justice. Written and directed by Armand Gazarian, this sci-fi action film features plenty of comic relief from Dave Bean, who co-stars as a spineless businessman.


Five medical students want to find out if there is life after death. They plan to stop one of their hearts for a few seconds, thus simulating death, and then bring the person back to life.
