Deddy Armand

This film simply tells how Doyok and Kadir always have plenty of opportunities, but never quite succeed in making anything of them. Something always goes wrong. As soon as they set foot in Jakarta they have a problem with a restaurant owner. Then, when they do try and eventually get jobs, they encounter difficulties again. They are being chased by a crowd, when, in their attempt to get away, they end up in a storehouse full of stolen gold. They grab some gold, but when they try to get away with the ill-gotten goods, they fall into a river. The only thing they end up with is an angry robber intent on hunting them down.


A security specialist (Nancy Bolan) is hired to deliver a valuable computer. She is joined by her former lover who has plans of his own for the computer.


This time, Kadir and Doyok play a couple of buddies who end up in prison over and over again for various infractions of the law. Initially, they rob a bank, then they escape jail and are recaptured and sentenced for that too. The film fishes for laughs throughout, especially in scenes involving Rosa (Nyoman Ayu Lenora) as Doyok’s girlfriend. At the end of the story, the two convict friends end up in prison again with absolutely no hope of further escapes.

Kadir and Doyok never have any luck. They always get fired from any job they take. Most recently, Kadir and Doyok had been working at a company owned by the father of Lola (Diah Permatasari), but were going to be fired by the new owner, Abud (Fuad Alkhar), who had taken over the company. Kadir-Doyok then asked Lola why her father had sold the company to Abud, and it turns out that Abud had conned her father. Kadir and Doyok then try to expose the fraud. They succeed mostly because they happen to intercept a phone call meant for Abud.

Hara (Robert Syarief) does not approve of the relationships of his daughters, Rosa (Lia Waroka) and Ira (Kiki Fatmala), with Kadir (Kadir) and Doyok (Doyok Sudarmadji). However, eventually, because the persistent young men appear to be serious, Harja eventually agrees to allow Kadir and Doyok to prove that they are financially independent enough to make it on their own. The two young men then scramble to try to find a way to make some money. First, they try working in a bakery, then they gets jobs as cooks, and then at a poultry farm, etc. They fail at everything they try. A sub storyline tells about Abud (Fuad Alkhar) who is extremely eager to get married.

Newlyweds Merry (Lydia Kandou) and Andi (Ray Sahetapy) have to say goodbye to Anita’s parents who are going abroad for a holiday. Aunt and Uncle (Zainal Abidin, Ida Kusumah) have been asked to watch over them. While Merry and Andi are at the airport to see the parents off, a sweet looking girl comes up and kisses Andi and gives him a message for another young woman. Confusion ensues. Merry becomes suspicious. In the midst of this atmosphere of suspicion, Andi has to take part in an office meeting in Puncak. Even worse, after the meeting, Andi’s boss invites him to a party and after that Andi has to go to Bandung on business. Andi calls Merry, who has taken Andi’s joking around with his servant Kadir about women seriously, to inform her of these plans, and she tells him that she wants to separate from him.

The couple, Rio (Ray Sahetapy) and Anita (Ida Iasha), lives next door to their close friends Goro (Zainal Abidin) and Tati (Dien Novita). Both couples have a male relative living with them; Doyok (Doyok Sudarmadji) stays with Rio and Anita, and Kadir (Kadir) stays with Goro and Tati. The daily behavior and interactions of these neighbors shift when Vina (Nurul Arifin), a very beautiful and attractive friend of Anita’s, comes to visit. Rio and Goro are both very attracted to Vina and make every effort possible to get close to her, particularly when everybody goes off on holiday together.

After graduating from high school, Lupus was not accepted at a public university and forbade his mother to sell inherited jewelery so that Lupus could enter a private school and cover his debts. Lupus asks for a down payment from the magazine where he often writes with the promise of writing about teenage girls who like to come home early. He then interviewed and approached Pia {Paramitha Rusady} who went to the disco every night because the house was crowded. His widowed father only scolded him but was rarely at home. Disco is a place of entertainment. She's not like other disco girls, who are also sex-free etc. Writing about Pia had invited misunderstandings, so Lupus preached. And it is said that his father then wanted to change his attitude. Pia's story is intertwined with: catching frogs, applying for jobs that turn out to be unsuccessful.

The film tells the story of a middle-class young man named Dendy who is rich and lives in a big house with a driver and a loyal servant.


Dudi Saleh (Rano Karno) and his wife, Tience (Eva Arnaz), get caught up in a misunderstanding when Tisna Subrata (Rachmat Hidayat) and Ratna (Ayu Lestari) become their new neighbors. Tisna is Dudi’s former professor, while Ratna is a former girlfriend. This misunderstanding is exacerbated by the interference of their Neighborhood Unit Head (Sena A. Utoyo), who is still a bachelor. A similar misunderstanding arises between Firman (Wawan Wanisar) and his wife, Ida (Ully Artha). The presence of sexy Neighborhood Unit secretary, Evita (Yurike Prastica), heats up the situation even more. The confusion is finally cleared up by Ohim (Salim Bungsu), a servant. In the end, the Neighborhood Head ends up married to the woman of his dreams.

Lisa is brutally raped by Hengky and his two friends, Hengky and Baron, and is left on the streets. Due to the trauma, Lisa develops mental illness. She is treated by Dr. Iwan, a psychiatrist, while her case is handled by police captain, Markus, Iwan’s friend. The case is difficult to solve as Lisa has amnesia and cannot remember her past. After the treatment at the hospital is completed, Lisa is invited to stay at Dr. Iwan’s house, as he wants to study her further for his doctoral thesis. Through both friends’ diligence, they are able to find Lisa’s mother and siblings. As a result, Lisa’s memory begins to recover.

The story of the love of Doyok (Doyok) and Kadir (Kadir) for the sisters Rosa (Ayu Azhari) and Ira (Kiki Fatmala). The young women’s family does not approve of their relationships, so the two men try to figure out a way to get around this. This manipulation continues as Rosa and Ira join their parents for a family holiday in Puncak. Doyok and Kadir show up in Puncak posing as a rich man and his son who are looking for land to purchase. In the end the orchestrations of these four lovers are found out

In this comedy of errors, the beautiful widow, Vina, makes her new neighbours feel insecure and protective of their husbands. They try to find her someone to keep her away from their husbands. Anita, whose husband is Rio, also joins them. The couple has an agreement that if Rio doesn’t get angry, Anita will stop her shopping habit. Anita finally finds a suitable match, Eddy Pasaribu, friend of Rio and Goro, their neighbour. Eddy arrives from Medan and is staying at a hotel. Vina is being set up to meet with Eddy. But when Vina cannot come, Anita has to receive Eddy. So Eddy thinks that Anita wants to have an affair with him, but their meeting is actually overseen by Rio and Goro. Luckily, everything is resolved when Vina finally arrives.

After spending 20 years in American, a young man returns to his home country of Indonesia.

Dewi and Dewo decide to elope, as Dewi’s parents only want her to marry a rich man. Listening to the advice of their servant, Doyok, Dewi writes a letter to her parents that she and her husband have become rich. When her parents want to visit, Dewi and Dewo panic. So, Kadir, a housekeeper in an empty luxurious house, helps them. He agrees to lend them the house for two days before the new occupant arrives. Then Kadir acts as the husband while Dewo plays the housekeeper and Doyok the security guard. Their act is revealed when the new renter arrives but is barred from entering. Meanwhile, Dewi’s father finds the certificate of the house ownership.

In this sequel, Anita and her husband, Rio, are offered to act in a film. Kadir, their housekeeper, wants to join in. Their neighbour, Tati, and her housekeeper, Doyok, also want to join in. Rio, Anita, and Kadir pass the selection, after deceiving Tati and Doyok. Then a misunderstanding happens. Rio, Anita, and Kadir are misconstrued as having a fight when they are actually rehearsing a scene. Meanwhile Tati, who often uses the phone at Rio’s house to contact the director, is suspected of having an affair, leading to more comedy of errors. It seems to be an intention to criticize the film industry.

Jake Carver needs to retrieve a microfilm containing information which would cause a Wall Street panic and an economic crisis for Western governments. Also seeking the microfilm is the villainous Adam who plans to sell the microfilm to the highest bidder. Fist fights, explosions, and car chases ensue.


Coincidentally, Sugeng and Slamet both have twin children and gave both sets of twins the same names, Dorce and Donny. Both sets of twins then go separately to Jakarta, while Rudi, son of Koco, is sent to pick up Sugeng’s twins, but instead, picks up Slamet’s children, who have arrived first. Then Sugeng’s twins also go to Koco’s house where they meet the other pair of twins to create confusion and silliness. Finally Sugeng and a talent seeker arrive and the misunderstanding is resolved.

Policeman infiltrates gang of drug traffickers in Indonesia to disrupt drug marketing scheme across Asia.

The film’s title seems to have little connection to the story, a comedy revolving around Emon and the comedy group, Bagito. Emon, son of a rich family, returns from the Netherlands and falls in love with Vina. But Miing, Didin, and Unang are also in love with her. So the four men compete against each other, but Vina is already engaged to a man who has just returned from America.

Joko and Lastri marry young but they have difficulties in their intimate relationship. Joko used to be afraid of women in general, while Lastri is a tomboy girl.

Richard Brown, a decorated Vietnam War veteran now living in Indonesia, discovers that gunmen invaded his home, murdered his son, Bobby, (preparing to celebrate his 8th birthday), and gang-raped and murdered his wife, Florinda. Vowing revenge, he begins to track down the culprits, learning in the process that they're in the employ of a business rival named Hawk. At one point he's captured, beaten, and tortured but then he's rescued by Julia, Hawk's personal secretary, who also seeks revenge on her employer for causing the death of her sister. Brown eventually finds and confronts Hawk at Hawk's fortress-like compound.


Peter Goldson, aka The Stabilizer, searches for drug smuggler Greg Rainmaker. Rainmaker killed Goldson's fiancee by kicking her with his spiked shoes, and now Goldson wants revenge. Meanwhile, Rainmaker has kidnapped the famous Professor Protost, and the Stabilizer teams up with his daughter Christina to save the Professor and bring Rainmaker down for good.


They've beaten and tortured him. They've raped and killed his woman. But they've made one big mistake. They didn't kill him. Alex Trambuan, known to his friends as Rambu, is a lone vigilante and former police officer who takes revenge on the entire Columbian drug cartel that killed his wife. There can be only one winner in this game of death, his name is Rambu, this is his private war and this city will never forget his legacy of vengeance.


Dono works in a cigarette agency. Kasino works in a car workshop. They recommend Indro to work in Tina and Santi’s boarding house. Comedy happens when Indro’s girlfriend and her father pay a visit. Indro has to arrange Tina and Santi’s living space, so that he won’t be suspected of anything. More comedy arises when Santi’s fanatical mother also visits. Then Kasino drives Dono’s girlfriend and the car crashes. The car manages to be sold but then the buyer demands his money back. Dono has to hold a boxing match with the buyer.


Kasino tries to impress Vera, who wants to act in a movie. Kasino convinces her that he has a famous film director friend, Indro, who recently returned from abroad. On a holiday, Indro, Susan and Henny go on a camping trip. Kasino, who brings Vera along, has initiated this trip. Lola brings along Dono. She is actually after Indro while Dono is after her. Vera, who believes that Indro is a film director, goes after him. More misunderstandings occur until Kasino’s lie is finally exposed. Then Kasino tries to chase another girl, this time is in a restaurant. But the girl, Julia, already has a boyfriend, Tony, a thug. Unfortunately, it is Indro who becomes the boyfriend’s jealous target. Indro is followed wherever he goes and it makes him paranoid. Dono and Kasino suggest that he hides in a coffin and they would announce that he is dead. At first, Tony believes this, but he wants to prove it himself. Luckily, Julia comes to give an explanation so Indro is rescued from his predicament.


Three friends, Dono, Kasino, and Indro, open a restaurant because of Dono’s cooking expertise. There are situational jokes in the restaurant: the scary food critic who instead gives a good review; Indro and Susan, the cashier, who play around with the security guard’s handcuffs until they have to go around together, which annoys Indro’s girlfriend. There’s also gym humour when Henny, a stewardess friend of Dono, teaches him. And of course, there are jokes among the three friends.


The quasi-skilled Kasino tries to install an abstract painting on the wall of Mr. Us Us’ house where he stays. The plaster wall is damaged. Afraid of Mr. Us Us’ wrath, Kasino, Dono, Indro, Marina, and Anita try to lie to Mr. Us Us but he finds out. They are scolded and ordered to repair the wall at once. The comedy continues with the arrival of Dono’s grandfather from the village. Dono has lied to his grandfather that he has become a doctor, but the latter knows his bad habits. Then Anita wants to test her boyfriend’s love, and asks Dono to pretend to be her boyfriend during a party. Unfortunately, Dono’s silly acts annoy Anita. When Indro’s food recipe is entered for a competition, which allows only women, Dono is forced to dress like a woman. Dono wins the competition but the prize is anulled once Dono’s identity is discovered. Dono protests by asking to take home the competition food. The committee refuses and a cake-throwing war ensues.


Kasino forbids Dono and Indro, his room mates and also his subordinates at the garage where they work, to fall for women. But secretly, Kasino admires a girl, whose picture he sees for the first time in a magazine. When Dono takes a night shift, he has to repair Marina's broken car. The event upsets Kasino since the bill remains unpaid. Unexpectedly, Marina moves into the dormitory where Dono and friends live. Kasino is shocked, for Marina is the woman he admires all this time. Kasino always chats with Marina, but the lucky guy is Dono. Marina, who is visited by her grandparents for marriage with another man, admits to them that she is already married to Dono. Some comedy elements are included such as Indro, who pretends to have a twin, and Dono, who participates in a women’s football match.


Engaged nightclub singer Rose Indrasari (Nena Rosier) is brutally gang raped and then abandoned by her fiance, prompting her to attempt suicide. The man who saves her life then forces her to become a sex slave and she contracts an unpleasant v.d. called Vietnam Rose. Having finally had enough by that point, she decides to get revenge on the men who ruined her life.

A comedy about a group of Komar and friends who become procrastinators of the member of CHIPS in the U.S. The film tells their activities just like the officers. They bring fun with their identities.

Special Silencers are large red pills, obtained from a forest dwelling mystic, which aid in meditation. However, if used by the untrained they cause a huge tree to grow in the stomach, and burst its way through the skin.


Renny Basuki (Arnaz) is a young woman and a former judo champion who, after her father's demise, tries to look after her impoverished family. When her younger brother is diagnosed with a deadly disease, she is desperate to afford his surgery costs. One day, Indra (Prima), a professional wrestling manager, offers Renny and her friend Mia (Diana Suarkom) to join a female wrestling troupe. They agree but Renny's mother disapproves her wrestling career.


When they're not romancing their girls, the Warkop comedy trio forms a team to help people in need, which includes solving a child kidnapping case and finding themselves facing off against ghosts and the kuntilanak (the Indonesian version of a banshee).

This time, the comedy trio of Warkop DKI is joined by another comedian, Mat Solar. Each have their own quirkiness: Kasino the grumpy, Dono the senile, Indro the stutterer, and Mat Solar, deaf in one ear. They work in a hotel run by Paulus. Their quirkiness is the source of humour and misunderstandings, an old tried-and-tested recipe that is still used to attract movie-goers. The highlight is the hotel’s new year event. They appear as performers and call themselves, Wow, It’s Huge. They sing covers of The Beatles, Rolling Stones, and some folk songs. In the end, the show is still a mess.


Rina dan Pinky plans to avenge their friend, Windy, who was sexually assaulted by Herman.


There is a robbery in a village far from the city, and the robbers not only steal, they also kill. Yanti is raped and is taken to Jakarta. Both her parents and her younger sibling are murdered by the robbers. Rachman, who really loves Yanti, finds her in a night club. Although she has become a prostitute, Rachman still loves her. They escape the brothel and marry in the village. Yanti receives martial arts lesson from Rachman’s grandfather and decides to take revenge on the robbers and the pimp who trapped her in prostitution. With numerous tactics and great fights, Yanti and Rachman manage to defeat the criminals and the pimp.


Ronny is dating Lia, a new student in his school. Apparently, Lia is the daughter of Indrasukma, brother of Sandra, who is the wife of Nico, Ronny’s brother. Lia lives at Ronny’s house. Indrasukma refuses to acknowledge his sister, Sandra, after she refuses the man he had chosen for her to marry and instead eloped with Nico. Indra strictly prohibits Lia to date Ronny. So Ronny finally runs off with Lia. He is dismissed from school as a consequence. His friends demonstrate over the dismissal. Riot occurs. Nico is injured and taken to the hospital. This is when Indra realises his mistake and accepts Sandra again.

Anton’s car is hit from behind by Indra, his high school friend from 25 years ago. High school memories start to come back, with memories of teenage delinquency. The young Anton was a smart student, handsome and a playboy. He tutored female friends in his house. One of them was Anggra, the daughter of a widow, whose brother was the young Indra. Indra did not fancy Anggra studying with Anton. But the pressure from Ina and her mother made him relent. Apparently his suspicion comes true when Anton is charged for raping Anggra. After being investigated, Anton admits that the rape did not happen and it was just a way to show off. Indra marries Ina, the girl who used to avoid him. As a result of the incident, Anton and Anggra have also become close. However, there is almost no story in this film and only fragments of memories are weaved together.

Dono, Kasino, Indro, and Dorman want to open a detective agency. However, because of disagreements between them, their friendship was split into two groups, namely Kubu Kubu Casino-Dono and Indro-Dorman. Both sides are competing to be the best detectives. Competition begins when they're looking for a beautiful secretary and promote their prowess.


Singer Anna Maria Larasati is a widow with one child but after returning from a visit abroad, she regains her popularity back home. One of her fans, Johan, is the son-in-law of a rich man, who is not happy with his marriage and now tries to pursue Anna Maria. But she rejects him and he gets into an accident and is killed. Then Budiman, comforts her and also helps her take care of her son, Boy. Budiman has been attracted to Anna for a long time but when their love starts to bloom, Anna’s chronic disease strikes back. On her deathbed, she asks Budiman to look after Boy.

Things spiral out of control for a dissatisfied wife after she cheats on her impotent husband with one of his employees.

Sri, a beggar who caused a scandal in her helper’s family, tries to escape with with Parto, a rickshaw driver.

Sarah is a lounge singer who works to support her husband, Paul Lasut, a gambler. In an intersection, her car nearly runs into the car of David Panggabean, the director of a bank. The event leads to them falling in love. Lasut is shot and dies on the gambling table. Sarah thinks that Lasut dies because of the money that David gave him. Sarah avoids David, who still persistently visits her place of work. David also has problems with his work, due to his assistant. All the problems are finally resolved when David and Sarah are married.

Three thugs rape a young woman named Yayah in a shack. Immediately afterward, she gets raped by her own boyfriend who's aroused by her naked body. And then her mom dies. And then she loses her job. And then she finds out she's pregnant by one of her rapists. Needless to say, Yayah loses it, goes on a rampage and then has to be put down. However, her vengeful spirit lives on.

Every country deserved their own Exorcist rip-off... and here's one from Indonesia! Imbalanced old spinster Laskmi is fed up with being mocked by her niece Dewi and one day dies after a drug overdose. Laskmi then decides to fuck up Dewi's world from beyond by possessing and torturing her, plus turning her into a murderess. In a surprising development, an exorcist is eventually called in to help.