Deng Fei

It's not easy to be a mom, not to mention a single mom. Zhou Nannan, a single mother, believes that she can give her son Xiaoyang a happy life just on her own. But at the critical juncture of getting her son into a primary school after his graduation from kindergarten

Qin Ming came to Qingjiang City to participate in the sale of new bookmarks, and met Zhang Jingguo, the richest man in Zhangjiang, Qingjiang. When investigating the cause of Zhang’s mother’s death many years ago, he found that Zhang Fuguo’s study was killed, involving Zhang Zhiyang ’s son Yang Zhiyuan and his sister Zhang Jingya Resentment and resentment, Qin Ming found the cause of Zhang Fuguo's death after verifying the murders.

Originally as a behind the scene documentary of Ye Jing’s film Songs of the Youth 1969. Director Ye Jing isolates 13 young people in a disused firearms factory, then dresses them in Cultural Revolution-era clothing and has them listen to Cultural Revolution-era music day in and day out as a kind of anthropological experiment.
