Denis Granchak

Nine real stories set in a Taxi. A taxi driver on his first day of work has a priest who speaks to him about God. And then there's an accident. Dream or reality? He will live and participate in the lives of his passengers in his own way. Stories of life and death, humanity and chaos. Filmed on the streets of Kiev, capital of Ukraine.

The events begin during the Euromaidan, where the heroes find themselves on different sides of the barricades: one of them is an officer of the internal troops, others are protesters. When the Russian intervention in Ukraine begins, the former opponents turn up in the National Guard. Different and sometimes conflicting young people have to go through the school of a real fighter. Will the military and recruits, who were "enemies" yesterday, be able to become the only team capable of defending their country?

Max Pavlov - talented, confident and a little ... desperate. He does not like ordinary life and quiet work. Max is an extreme climber who single-handedly conquered the peaks of the Pamirs and the Himalayas. He is successful in business and in love, loyal to his girlfriend Marina. He has a best friend and partner - Lyokha.


The explosion at Chernobyl was ten times worse than the Hiroshima bomb and was due to a combination of human error and imperfect technology. An account of the sixty critical minutes prior to the explosion of the nuclear power plant on the night of April 26, 1986.
