Devika Daftardar

The Sabka Sai series narrates the chronicles of Sai Baba from his youth to old age. It even shows the sceptics who did not believe in the miracles of Sai at first, but gradually became believers. Sai Baba is known to bring people of all ages, classes, religions and genders together in the name of humanity. Propagating the message of there being only one God, Sai Baba’s teaching remains relevant even today.

NAAL is the story of Chaitanya, an eight-year-old mischievous boy. Living in a remote village in Maharashtra, along with the banks of a river, he is fathered by a small-time landlord and pampered by a loving and caring mother. Naal is attached with Chaitanya's emotional world and follows him on an unexpected journey.


A bus conductor from India and his family struggle to deal with a ridiculously large electricity bill they have been sent by mistake.


Shekhar and Jui are married for three years and are a relatively happy couple. Shekhar is a flautist and has a music assignment in France. Before leaving for France, he wants to visit his hometown one last time. So he takes a short trip to Konkan, along with Jui. In the tranquility and peacefulness of the place, each character recognises their inner discontent.


A young girl is forced to live apart from her family because of suspicions that she is a witch.


Neeraja has vitiligo, a skin disease that makes her a social outcast. She faces many challenges in her life but with her will power, she overcomes them all.
