Didier Bezace

Recently separated, top neurologist Dr. Valérie Rossier moves back to her ancestral home with her son Lucas, and takes a position in an exclusive clinic run by her former teacher, Professor Wassermann. As she settles into her new life, strange occurrences conspire to reveal her true heritage, as well as her family's tragic history.


A French teacher makes a startling discovery while on a trip to Buchenwald.


Raised to believe in performance and in the idea that all abilities must be optimized, Emma is a young, methodical woman who appears determined and relatively sure of herself. But two consecutive failures (real or imagined) lead her to believe that she has a real problem: she is useless in bed. Because she is more fragile than she appears, Emma hence decides to become... the best lay in Paris! She then sets out on a formidable plan of action (theory, practical, validation of acquired knowledge), which soon provokes a series of misunderstandings and disasters within her immediate vicinity. For one thing, her method doesn't turn out to be really adapted to her field of investigation. And Emma has probably also forgotten a little detail: love doesn't obey any plan. In this absurd and nutty quest, Emma will learn to let go, to lose control, and, to finally win her freedom.


Juliette, twenty, falls in love. At the same time her father is diagnosed with a fatal disease.


Alexandre Taillard de Vorms is a force to be reckoned with. With his silver mane and tanned, athletic body, he stalks the world stage as Minister of Foreign Affairs for France, waging his own war backed up by the holy trinity of diplomatic concepts: legitimacy, lucidity, and efficacy. Enter Arthur Vlaminck. Hired to write the minister's speeches, Arthur must contend with the sensibilities of his boss and the dirty dealings within the Quai d'Orsay, the ministry's home.


French territory is threatened by a terrorist organization just before the presidential election. If the government doesn't answer its demands, programmed bombs will explode gradually on the national railway network. Despite the operation deployed by the anti-terrorist unit, the Home Office has no other choice but to call Franck Barrot, police superintendent well-known for his controversial methods, to neutralize the armed group. His investigation will lead him to the very top level of the terrorist organization: the government itself.


A young couple, Pauline and Alex, moves from Paris to a quiet neighbourhood in the French countryside. Pauline loves to take care of her garden and the plants. She is also fascinated with her older neighbour Gilles who lives alone. They spend much time together and he helps her with her garden. Finally, he gives her a special plant from Brasil as a gift. The plant needs a lot of attention and is sensitive to the mood around it. As the plant grows, it takes up all of Paulines time which endangeres her relationship with Alex.


Transport Minister Bertrand Saint-Jean is awoken in the middle of the night by his head of staff. A bus has gone off the road into a gully. He has no choice but to go to the scene of the accident. Thus begins the odyssey of a politician in a world that is increasingly more complex and hostile.


Drawing some intriguing parallels between the work of the prostitute and that of the psychiatrist-both have clients, both charge for sessions, both take on roles that serve the needs, psychological or otherwise, of those they serve, Jeanne Labrune's drama stars Isabelle Huppert and Bouli Lanners as, respectively, Alice, a disaffected call girl and Xavier, a shrink with a crumbling domestic situation.


Max Chêne is a life coach who helps to motivate everybody from professional athletes to government ministers to business executives. After his gambling debts get out of control and his wife throws him out, he is approached to take on a unique client.


Marguerite Jeanne Japy was born in Beaucourt, France to a family of fortune. She married French painter Adolphe Steinheil in July 1890. Steinheil did not enjoy much artistic success but made a good living painting society portraits and restoring church windows.In 1897 Marguerite became the mistress of French President Félix Faure .


Since childhood, the farmer's daughter Sarah Minarel neighbors considered a strange child and bullied her. When she grew up and became an attractive girl, nothing changed. But Sarah paid no attention to the antics of neighbours, because was busy with interesting work — at the request of staff taxidermist Pacton she catches a rare bird…


Yann Kerbec is a flight instructor: he evaluates pilots’ abilities under extreme conditions on flight simulators. But Yann has a big problem: he is so airsick since he was born in a plane, that he couldn’t even follow the love of his life when she moved to Australia. Yann is now thirty years old and remembers with both nostalgia and humour the numerous love stories he spoiled because of his phobia. Will he finally accept to become a grown up or will he keep making plans in the air?


This way-offbeat comedy from Gallic director Jeanne Labrune concerns two young French women, best friends Léa and Jacinthe. While Jacinthe develops a fixation with the moths that begin to cluster in frightening quantities throughout her apartment, Léa finds herself drawn to a dim-witted fellow employed by a local supermarket, then impulsively decides to follow him home via train. When Léa mysteriously disappears during the days that follow, Jacinthe naturally grows concerned about her friend and decides to investigate.


The last three days in the life of Elizabeth of Austria before her assassination


"What they imagine" - Bernard chokes to death on a boiled egg while his wife looks on. Juliette watches him suffocate without intervening and, as though waking from a long sleep, she abruptly leaves their house, marching straight ahead. Arriving in Havre by chance, she tries to board a freighter, but must wait 48 hours. In the port, she encounters Santiago, a young man who sells chips from his father's mobile stall.

An unexpected phone call from a certain Kirsch sets off a crisis between Catherine and Raphaël that will affect all those around them, be they close friends or casual acquaintances.


Gifted student Antoine goes against his family’s wishes and accepts the lead role in a controversial director’s film. He learns that the role had previously been offered to a young man who committed suicide after an on-set affair – and events conspire to draw Antoine towards the same lover.


Such an inconsequential event - the unfortunate purchase of a package of cling film - reveals the character and behavior of a small group of individuals caught up in the chaos of today's society. Though it creates arguments and inner questioning, this event - and its various consequences - also creates bonds.


Three very different adolescent girls team up to take revenge on men until one day it is no longer a game.


Juan (Didier Bezace) and Julia (Stefania Sandrelli) are a mature and conventional marriage. Juan is shy and vulnerable, opera enthusiast and, above all, is recognized worldwide as a chess grandmaster. Julia is the author of crime and horror novels and is now writing a biography of Humphrey Bogart. When the couple is separated for a week, something changes in their lives.


Set in a forlorn mining town near Valencienne in the north of France, the story is about one man's struggle to bring life to his once prosperous village and its inhabitants. Philippe Torreton, who won a César for Best Actor with his title role in Capitaine Conan, plays Daniel, the head teacher of a nursery school in a town demoralized by unemployment. Daniel is determined against all odds to bring life to the community. When a parent who has come to pick up her children collapses at the school grounds due to alcohol abuse, and social services turns a deaf ear to all pleas for help, Daniel decides to take the law into his own hands. Despite resistance from the townspeople, in the long run his efforts are not fruitless.


Horty, a French foundry worker, wins a contest and is sent to see the sailing of the Titanic. In England, Marie, saying she is a chambermaid on the Titanic and cannot get a room, asks to share his room. They do, chastely; when he awakens, she is gone, but he sees her at the sailing and gets a photo of her. When he returns home, he suspects that his wife Zoe has been sleeping with Simeon, the foundry owner. Horty goes to the bar, where his friends get him drunk and he starts telling an erotic fantasy of what happened with him and Marie, drawing a larger audience each night.


In the middle of the night, someone brings Ivan's body home to his wife and his sad-faced, jug-eared son. Through flashbacks, the film discloses the relationships among Ivan and his brother Alex, a cop with a cleanliness fetish; siblings Juliette and Jimmy, Ivan's partners in a seedy nightclub; the love triangle of Alex, Juliette, and Marie, a professor of philosophy; and of Alex and his nephew, Ivan's dour, stoic son. Ivan's death changes every relationship.


Ludovic, a young boy neglected by his artsy parents, falls in love with Sophie, the daughter of a piano teacher. They meet in secret places in the city. Not long after Sophie's father finds them naked together in her room, Ludovic is sent away to spend time with his grandparents. Sophie runs away from home to join him, and they hide along the seashore and in abandoned buildings. After they are found, their parents try to keep them separate, but they both fall into deep depressions.


A disillusioned police detective, used as a scapegoat by his corrupted superior, fights back by becoming a competent criminal.


Maria Garcia (Carmen Maura) is a television journalist and she's about to be a single mother. Her career foremost in her mind, she doesn't slow down even for a minute, despite her pregnancy. She is, however, taking Lamaze classes and is quite competently coping with the romantic attentions of a man she's not very interested in. It's not at all irrelevant that her news beat includes stories on terrorism, the greenhouse effect, pollution and genetic engineering, because when her baby's due date comes and goes, she starts hearing from her infant from in the womb. It is telling her that it and many other babies are refusing to be born into such a horrible world. She learns that this is true, and that the children born through induced labor are dying.


In Paris, Lulu, a passionate policeman, works with the faith of a rookie, despite the sclerotic bureaucracy and the incompetence or negligence of some of his colleagues. In his new position as a narcotics inspector, he tries to keep his sanity as he witnesses the worst of the human condition.


In a small town in post-World-War-II France, an unhappy sixteen-year-old (Janine Castang) tries to escape her dreary situation by any means at her disposal. Three successive friends (Michel Davenne, a married lover; Raoul, a fellow thief; Mauricette Dargelos, a photographer and fellow prisoner) help her learn from her mistakes.


A doctor and his son fall in love for the same woman, who has lost her child.
