Didier Grousset

10-year-old Saïd, a child of Algerian immigrants, is talented, motivated and would like to be a good student. But the conditions at the collège he attends in the Parisian banlieue hardly give him a chance. And then he is drawn into the criminal machinations of his brother.

Married for three years, Pierre and Marion are now divorcing. During umpteenth mediation with the judge, both explained how their love for each other faded away little by little.


Philippe is a movie star on the comeback trail. He shoots a film in Morocco, which will allow him to find the top of the bill. But nothing goes right, his partner, Alexi, breaks his arm during the shooting of a scene. Later, a phone call puts him in all his states: Julie, his ex-wife, who is a scriptwriter, asks him to keep their young films, Mathias and Victor. She has to go to Hollywood where she is nominated for an Oscar. Philippe is furious, but agrees to receive them in Morocco. Always absent, he does not know his children well. They have the (false) impression that their father does not love them. So, they do stupid things. And when a set catches fire, Philippe is certain that his children are responsible for the fire.

A disgruntled scientist is fired from his job; slipping into madness, he invents a machine which harnesses the airwaves and can shoot people through the TV screen.


Fred, a raffish safe blower, takes refuge in the Paris Metro after being chased by the henchmen of a shady businessman from whom he has just stolen some documents. While hiding out in the back rooms and conduits of the Metro, Fred encounters a subterranean society of eccentric characters and petty criminals.
