Diego Delpiano

During the day Paola is an ordinary primary school teacher, but at night, she turns into…The Christmas Witch, a magical creature who brings gifts to the good kids. One night, Paola disappears, kidnapped by Mr. Johnny, a cruel Toymaker who got his childhood ruined by the Witch and is now seeking revenge. A group of six brave pupils who found out their teacher's secret, will live an extraordinary adventure to rescue her. Will they be able to save Paola and Christmas?


The account of keepers of the Warsaw Zoo, Jan and Antonina Zabinski, who helped save hundreds of people and animals during the Nazi invasion.


Oedipus Complex short film.

The Eleventh captures the horrors of a tragic day in American history through the innocent eyes of a child and examines what it takes to comprehend the true significance of catastrophes around the world.
