Dilip Shankar

After the Sino-India war, a highly trained Indian spy enters Pakistan on a mission to gather crucial intelligence and stop Pakistan from launching an attack against India. Will he succeed?


A reclusive Old Delhi shopkeeper, spends his time watching people through hidden cameras. When he overhears a boy being beaten, his search for the boy leads to reality crumbling around him, as he is lost in the maze of the city and his own mind.


Two star-crossed lovers must battle the forces which try to keep them apart at different timelines and at different world's.


Frieda, a fashioncommercial photographer trying to find her own art, gathers her closest girlfriends from all over India to travel to Goa for a surprise announcement: she’s getting married! Thus begins an impromptu bachelorette celebration that lasts for a full week. A riotous roller-coaster ride of girl bonding; friendships, break ups, make ups, fuck ups, passion, devastation, hesitation, terrorization and self realization. Amidst the fun and frenzy, heartbreak and heartache, passion and obsession, youth and innocence, secrets tumble out, tensions emerge, bonds are formed and emotions run high. Soon events will take a more serious turn, but for the moment these women are determined to seize the day.


A Muslim fundamentalist in New York kidnaps a liberal Muslim scholar with intent to kill. A closeted lesbian in New Delhi kidnaps her activist bisexual lover with intent to marry. The resulting torture and violence evokes a brutal struggle of identities against unfreedom.


I Origins follows a molecular biologist studying the evolution of the human eye. He finds his work permeating his life after a brief encounter with an exotic young woman who slips away from him. As his research continues years later with his lab partner, they make a stunning scientific discovery that has far reaching implications and complicates both his scientific and and spiritual beliefs. Traveling half way around the world, he risks everything he has ever known to validate his theory.


A delightful, heart-warming romp through the lives of boys growing up at The Doon School, the ‘Eton’ of India; arguably India’s most famous boarding school whose alumni comprises of some highly distinguished, prominent achievers in Indian public life. Howly (to howl is to cry) is a lonely boy who comes of age while negotiating the rough and smooth of growing up in such a school, in the journey of friendship, loyalty, betrayal and the discovery of self-worth.


Jamal, a 10-year-old Pakistani Muslim, mistakenly crosses the border between India and Pakistan and finds an unusual ally in a Hindu Brahmin, Bhola. Indian soldiers descend on Bhola's village searching for the so-called terrorist who crossed over. Bhola's neice, Rani, insists they can't let a Muslim into their Hindu home. With Bhola and Rani grappling with the consequences of harboring a Pakistani and their deep-set prejudice against Muslims, Jamal's only hope is the humanity shared by a people separated by artificial boundaries a long time ago


As the romantic monsoon rains loom, the extended Verma family reunites from around the globe for a last-minute arranged marriage in New Delhi. This film traces five intersecting stories, each navigating different aspects of love as they cross boundaries of class, continent and morality.


Chased out of their village, a poor farmer, his wife, son and daughter attempt to survive the harsh footpath life of Bombay, when a gangster asks him to work for him. Years later, the farmer is a mafia-like godfather with a crime network of his own, and a host of hoodlums out to kill him. Movie also shows the loves and lives of his children, now married.
