Dimitri Aronis

A tanner, swamped with debts, must abandon his trade and go work in the local factory.


The Greek army is about to set sail to a great battle, but the winds refuse to blow. Their leader, King Agamemnon, seeks to provide better food, but accidentally slays a sacred deer. His punishment from the gods, the sacrifice of his daughter Iphigenia.


CIA team in Greece tries to capture a major drug dealer.


Aimilia, a young and relatively well-to-do woman, leads a rather schizophrenic existence. Every day, she gives piano lessons to the children at an orphanage, while at night she brings home a series of lovers whom she picks up at random and whom she kills while in a sexual frenzy.


A woman is responsible behavior in prison for the murder of a man killed by a shotgun blast. Through a mixture of reminiscences and narrative of the facts, we discover to be Elisa, a professor who, intent on writing a book on Dionysus from his distant and mythical origins to the present, has retreated into an isolated house in the snow, without even telephone line, and then found to give aid and hospitality to a young man was found naked and half-frozen in the surrounding bush. Escaped from prison and wanted by the police, the young man is destined to reawaken the memory of her husband who died in a car accident, so as to push uncontrollably to start with him a passionate love affair. But the sudden arrival of his daughter Elisa from the United States ends up putting dramatically undermine the already tense situation. Written by lament


The father of medical in Kos, Hippocrates, believes that illnesses can be treated with medicines and herbs instead of prayers and comes into conflict with the medical establishment of the island. Leaving Kos, he goes to Athens, where he is called to face a plague for save the city.
