Dimitris Giannoukakis

Although a gas station employee, a young man has a great idea about himself and chases brides with a great dowry, ignoring his neighbor who loves him.

A tenant who wants to write an armed forces officer's biography falls head over heels with his beautiful niece instead. As his friend falls in love with the same girl, they all meet with his sour landlady. But, can one put love on hold?


The Pippi a genuine artist, painting with touches of everyday life of ordinary people, who live and share the joys and sorrows in the large and vibrant with life yard of a neighborhood of old Athens.


A policeman arrests Thanassis (Thanassis Vengos), who admits he stole the trousers of a happy man so that he could also be happy in turn, just as a gypsy (Souli Sabah) suggested. He confesses that, in order to marry his beloved (Nike Linard), he asked to borrow a pair of trousers, but no one was willing to lend him. So he decided to steal one. The policeman assists him and finds the trouser holder (Yiannis Argyris) and also works for Thanasis. So the latter can now marry his girlfriend and make a family.


father of four girls of marriageable age brings home a prospective suitor. One daughter agrees to see him but the rest are trying to persuade the. The three friends of the groom are also trying to prevent the ap`to marriage, but eventually fall in love with the three girls and get married.


Fotis is in love with Bilio, a last-year student at a provincial high-school, and serenades her frequently. Bilio’s teacher, Platon Papadakis, is also in love with her, but besides serenading her, he also punishes her and during school breaks keeps her in the classroom. With the help of the headmistress, who is in love with Platon, the news of the love of the teacher for his student spreads throughout the small community. Platon now has to face Fotis, the headmistress and Bilio’s father – who is the president of the community – who makes sure the naughty teacher is transferred and a woman teacher is appointed in his place. Platon, nevertheless, manages to return to the school dressed up as the new teacher, in order to kidnap Bilio. The latter, however, refuses to follow him. Consequently, things are made clear, from all sides, and Bilio becomes engaged to Fotis, while Platon is forced to accept the love of the ugly Melpomeni.


A postwar melodrama of jealousy and rage.
