Dinesh Thakur

Shattered by the brutal murder of her daughter, A distraught mother takes justice into her own hands and seeks vengeance by fighting the system.


Aastha: In the Prison of Spring is a story of a lower middle class happy nuclear family. The lady of the family gets involved in prostitution, owing to the not-so-good financial condition of the family. It is the story of the guilt that comes with the money and the cobweb that such a route entails that its quite an effort to come out of the profession once one enters it.


Seema and Reema are lookalike step sisters.Shekar a dancer is in love with Seema he sees Reema smoking and drinking and slaps her mistakenly thinking her to be Seema,Reema goes to Bombay to revenge on her father Jugal Kishore who had left her mother when she was in her womb she sees Shekar dancing with a girl and gets attracted towards him but finds that he loves Seema and wants him at any cost.Reema falls in clutches lustful Rocky and Jengo,Jengo rapes and kills her along his men Mac and Sanki and secretly burn her body in forest.Reema's now turns into a wounded soul and wants revenge.


Johny lives a dual life - as a popular starlet and an international criminal wanted by the police for a number of criminal activities. He meets his look-alike Gopi who comes from the village in search of a job; Johny offers Gopi the job; a salary and a house to live in. This job involves playing the role of Johny so that the real Johny can outsmart the police and commit his criminal activities with ease. He teaches Gopi his mannerism and etiquette with things going as planned. But Gopi eventually gets trapped - both by the police and the underworld criminal gang.


The plot revolves around a train named Super Express that catches fire on its inaugural run from New Delhi to Mumbai.


Vikas, the son of a successful lawyer, disagrees with his father over his choice for his life partner; and marries his girlfriend Aarti. They enjoy the bliss of marriage, breaking away from the custom of staying with his widower father. Returning home from a date, they encounter a traumatic incident that makes headline news. This incident changes their lives forever. The trauma keeps intruding into their day to day lives. When Aarti's mother leaves town to take up a new job, the pressure on Aarti and Vikas brings them into the abyss of despair. Can they crawl out of self-hate and emotional estrangement and rekindle their love?


Retired Judge Shyamlal Kumar lives in a palatial home with his wife and only son, Arvind, who is now studying law and is on his way to become a lawyer, and after that a judge just like his dad. Arvind meets with beautiful Asha Shastri, both fall in love and would like to get married. Asha introduces Arvind to her astrologer dad, Chintamani, who instantly approves of Arvind; while both Shyamlal and his wife give their blessings and approval to Asha. But when Chintamani, whose predictions always prove to be accurate, sees a dark future for the young couple, withdraws his blessings and asks them not to marry each other. Spooked by this, Shyamlal and his wife also ask Arvind to marry someone else. But both Arvind and Asha believe that nothing bad will befall them, and they start living together without getting married. This raises ire in their conservative community and both are blacklisted.


Minoo is a 1977 Bollywood movie about a child of same name. Starring Baby Mun Mun, Dinesh Thakur, Nandita Thakur, Radha Saluja, Anwar Hussain. Music composed by Salil Chowdhury. Lyrics by Yogesh Gaud.

A police officer goes undercover to catch a wealthy and reputable person, who is involved in criminal activities.


A Delhi-based woman in a steady relationship with her boyfriend is forced to come to terms with her true feelings when a job interview in Mumbai brings an old flame back in her life.


Idealistic Ram's one ambition is to do something for his village. Rekha rich and young girl comes into his life who in spite of warnings, marries Ram and come to the village. Fed up with idling away her time, Rekha, in a huff, moves to the city and take job as tourist guide, only to discover that this life is too short, can be humdrum as the one in village. Love triumphs over the barriers of Urban and Rural.

When Anju comes to the city for a job, she is entrapped by Badal who offers her work in return of sexual favours. Things escalate when she tells her lover about her escape from the clutches of Badal.


Newspaper editor Amar (Kumar) grows distant from his wife Meeta (Tanuja) because his new assistant is her former lover Shashi (Thakur). Amar cannot accept that his wife is no longer enamoured of Shashi


Old woman Anandi (Meena Kumari) moves to the city with her relatives and finds out their material side. She develops fondness for two rival street gangs of unemployed youth. These gangs are headed by two former friends turned foes in a time when society, politics and education are all losing their bearings in 1970s India. The film beautifully portrays how disillusioned unemployed youth get disaffected from society and education and become pawns in the game of politics.


basu bhattacarya film