Dink O'Neal

Knowledge is power.

Kim Tyler grew up loving her next-door neighbor, Evan Slauson. Now she's all set to have the wedding of her dreams to stable Jeffrey in her parents' backyard, but her ex-husband, and first love—whose parents still live next door—keeps popping up causing her to seriously question her big plans.


A writer pens the story of three girls, Amber, Rose, and Violet, inheriting a large mansion. However, their Aunt Zelda won't give up the house, which happens to be haunted by an incubus.

Family - Hailey Foster, Josh Paddock, Ace Ross


Kate and Sharon kill a man in self defense and are framed by the justice system. They are put in prison and forced into prostitution. With the help of their defense attorney, they devise a plan to bust out of prison and hopefully expose the group of corrupt politicians, judges, lawyers, etc. who put them there in the first place.


On a snowy Christmas Eve, Santa Claus is kidnapped and held for ransom. A young elf goes on a mission to find a magic key that will help her free Santa Claus. Sequel to the special "The Elf Who Saved Christmas."
