Dmitriy Kharatyan

A new interpretation of the most known and beloved fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen - "Snow Queen"


The boy caught a goldfish and without begging for anything, lets go. In gratitude, the goldfish decided to give the boy a new imported bicycle, which the boy had long dreamed of. And so the boy comes home with a new bike. Parents are surprised, questioned and, of course, do not believe their son. Can a goldfish give bicycles? They suspect the son of theft and deception. But finally, the boy manages to convince his parents and justify his honest name. But this fact immediately becomes the property of a small provincial town. Requests and orders rained down on the boy with immediate fulfillment of desires.


They didn't know each other existed. But the meeting in the rural backwoods to lake forest turned the rest of their lives. Now they can't live without each other. Clean and clear water of the lake and purified the body and soul... And what could be nicer to a hot summer day to swim in the refreshing waters of the natural lake

A third part of "The Best Movie" trilogy.


Oleg is forty. Larissa is over thirty. Twenty years he lived with his wife Tatiana, who knows from childhood (studied in the same class), he has a twelve-year-old daughter nick. Established way of life. Good job. The emptiness in my soul — from the dashed hopes. And to top it all — she, Larissa. Very welcome, but from the point of view of sound logic — it is made unnecessary. The affair lasts for a year. They love each other as passionately as it happens only in his youth. But his wife finds out about their affair. Learns and daughter. The girl really wants to help her mother. And to eliminate razluchnitsa of the lives of their families. But it comes out differently…


Remake film. Russian drama school domination. In the last quarter of graduating class comes a new student, violating all classifications, and an affront to the leader. That, in turn, is ready to do anything not to give up this title until the end of school days. How badly would not have had to deal with those who stand in his path to goal.


This is the life story of the outstanding Soviet hockey player Valery Kharlamov. They say that sometimes people are able to foresee their death, then before their eyes in a short period of time all life passes, all the most significant moments, all the people dear to a person. The plot of the picture and the style of narration is very different from everything that has already been shot or written on this topic. Like an ordinary Russian guy who has a congenital heart disease and is an eternal target for the wit of his peers due to a speech impairment, he was able to become the Olympic champion twice, eight times the World Champion, become the legend of Russian hockey and a role model for several generations of professionals and amateur athletes ? What was behind all these, at what price was this achieved, and what price had to be paid subsequently?


У двадцатилетней Леры Мещериковой сложные отношения с матерью. Отец, бабушка и тетя Ольга любят Леру, но из-за их нерешительности и безволия девушке приходится самостоятельно отстаивать свой выбор. Татьяна не может смириться с тем, что дочь выходит замуж за парня из бедной семьи Дениса и в сердцах рассказывает Лере, что она приемная дочь Мещериковых. Лера уходит жить к Денису, и постепенно ее жизнь налаживается: она мирится с отцом, тот устраивает Дениса на работу, парень с радостью принимает известие, что у него скоро будет ребенок, и Татьяне приходится смириться с браком дочери. Но Леру гложет мысль, что она должна найти свою родную мать — только тогда она сможет разобраться в себе. Если бы девушка знала, что за это ей придется очень дорого заплатить…

Alla is a successful business lady. She has everything that creates an external impression of well-being: a huge Villa, a snow-white yacht, luxury cars and a more than wealthy companion-lover. However, all this does not make Alla happy, because in life she lacks the most important thing — love.

Aurora dreams about becoming a talented ballet dancer one day. However, life is not so simple. 12-year-old orphan Aurora Nedelina lives in an orphanage in Pripyat and accidentally becomes a witness to the explosion at the Chernobyl APP. Having received a critical dose of radiation, she is sent to an American hospital where she meets the rich American Russian, Nick Astakhov--the world-famous dancer who had emigrated from the USSR 15 years prior. Nick is talented, successful, young, yet disappointed in life. Meeting up with Aurora helps Nick turn it all around. However, with each day, Aurora fades away a little more. Only something short of a miracle can save her


A producer and director of a western are trying to finish filming despite very low budget.

Говорить о том, что ревность - это чувство, недостойное интеллигентного человека, может только тот, кто когда не ревновал. На самом деле, от этого мучительного чувства не застрахован никто. Даже такой умный, успешный и состоятельный человек, как Антон, глава крупного медиахолдинга. К тому же оснований для ревности у него более, чем достаточно - жена подолгу не бывает дома, и явно скрывает, где и с кем проводит время. А тут еще друг рассказывает о таинственном брачном агентстве, которое подстраивает знакомства молодых женщин с богатыми холостяками. Причем именно при таких обстоятельствах, которые когда-то свели Антона с Ольгой, его нынешней женой. Чтобы узнать правду, Антон готов на все: организовать слежку за женой, собрать подробную информацию о таинственном агентстве. Когда цель "проверки", казалось бы, достигнута, Антон вдруг понимает, что на самом деле он проверял самого себя…


Леонид - злоумышленник средней руки. Он ищет потерянный шифр от банковского сейфа. Если он не вызволит запертые бриллианты, то его, скорее всего, убьют бандиты посерьезнее. Спортивный репортер Сергей случайно похитивший этот шифр, тоже очень хочет выбраться невредимым из чужой гангстерской истории. Но шансов мало... Незнакомых мужчин объединяет не только желание еще пожить но и общая знакомая. С девушкой Леной Сергей встречался раньше, сейчас она невеста Леонида. О темных делах жениха Лена не догадывается, ей нравится только, что через полгода после расставания с неудачником Сергеем, у нее появился серьезный и успешный поклонник. В течении фильма Сергей пытается раскрыть Лене глаза на ее нового ухажера. Лена будет разбираться кого же из двух странноватых кавалеров она все-таки любит.


The first love of the young heroine of the film remains unrequited. An adult married man, a friend of her parents, does not believe that he has the right to respond to this feeling. They will meet in a few years other people — and broke out with a new force of love will turn their lives. They do not yet know that they will be separated again. However, their souls are destined to stay together forever…


Sergey comes to Moscow and starts to work as EMT. But his life in the capital isn't simple...


When mysterious Russian bandit named Artist came in USA, brave Russian special agent Fyodor Sokolov runs to States for defeat evil master.


The 3rd part of the famous trilogy by Alexandre Dumas about d'Artagnan and his 3 friends Athos, Porthos and Aramis.


In the third movie the Naval Cadets are still servicing the homeland - this time during a Seven Years War.


While investigating an ordinary homicide a group of detectives suddenly find a connection to a very first faces of USSR government.


Cute Roman, who enjoys an enviable interest in the female, has an obsessive dream in which a beautiful girl is to him. Roman's life has turned into an unimaginable nightmare, which he sincerely loving man helps to get rid of.

The Chernomorsk city is preparing to hold a holiday of laughter. Come here popular actors of theatre and cinema. Local cultural activist Alex Muromtsev brings guests into a luxurious country house that was once the dacha of Stalin, and has no idea that Stalin was already waiting in the chambers…


In the second movie the Naval Cadets are guarding the princess coming from Germany to marry a Russian prince.


Молодому юристу, в первый день службы, поручают закончить дело, которое вел умерший накануне сотрудник. Однако, блестяще распутав дело и засвидетельствовав связи преступников с прокуратурой, герой принимает неожиданное для профессионала решение - покончить с мирской жизнью и постричься в монахи...


The first private enterprises are started in the Soviet Union in the late 80s. A gang of bad guys, owners of a private restroom, kidnap a good guy - owner of a toy store. Private eye Dmitri's first job is to try and free the store owner.


Three naval cadets accidentally get possession of a secret diary that was stolen from Bestuzhev, a vice-chancellor of Russia. If this diary ever gets abroad, the consequences for the country would be grave. The cadets are trying to return the papers to their owner, but there are others who want to get the papers...


Felix, a 12-year-old boy from outer space, during the summer holidays gets admitted into a summer children's sports camp. Few people know in the camp that Felix is not there by chance, and a few days ago he was created in a school laboratory because a space intellect sent him as an agent to planet earth to study humans. He is assisted by an ordinary boy Boris and a teacher who explains Felix local traditions and customs.


Not young bus driver goes to the next trip. In this trip he recalls his childhood during WW2. But there is another danger people among passengers of the bus.


Drama directed by Viktor Turov.


At high school, some pupils decide to play a 'practical joke' on their teacher. On the day of midterm exam all of them say they she had told them the wrong date for the exam. She almost believed them, but then asked a girl known for her honesty and the girl could not lie. As a result everyone in the class gets an F for that midterm. That's a real problem for some of them - with an F they cannot have perfect GPA and will not enter prestige Universities. They want revenge...


Russia, 1787. On the eve of the treacherous attack of Turkey on the Crimea, Empress Catherine the Great is given an anonymous letter threatening violation of the southern borders and stability of the conquered Crimean lands!