Dmitriy Miller

The plot tells about the most dramatic chess match in the history of this sport. The game took place in 1978 in the Philippine city of Baguio: played for three months. This match, which got on the pages of textbooks, was replete with incredible collisions. In addition to his rival, Karpov at that time had to face the loss of his relatives, the betrayal of his comrades-in-arms, the intrigues of the CIA and pressure from party functionaries.

Kirill is nearing forty, and he has always managed to avoid any kind of obligations in life. He has never been married, he has no children, he had once won the European championship of mixed wrestling but he is not interested in victory anymore, only going to the ring to earn money. Today is no different from yesterday; disposable dishes at home, disposable women, never a thought about the future. One morning, however, Kirill meets in his kitchen a five-year-old Victoria, daughter of one of his one-night stands. The girl tells him that he is now her father and she will live with him because her mother left her with him. Finding out who the girl is, where she is from and whether she is his daughter, Kirill gradually starts taking care of the girl, feeling responsible to her and finally becomes a grown-up himself - to fight and win.


Good-natured and ironic romantic Comedy with elements of drama, which tells about the most interesting and mysterious actor's "kitchen", making fun of the most significant moments: casting, shooting a commercial, auditions and auditions in the theater. The film reveals the artistic world on the example of the fate of one young actor: from fame to oblivion so far and at the same time so close.

Agnia lives an ordinary student life with her boyfriend Marat. Everything changes with the arrival of a new teacher in psychology. She has an interest in him that reveals the sexual pathology of a girl.

A young businessman tries to rent a family in order to impress his rich relative.

В загадочное имение графа Владимира Пазуркевича прибывает Николай Казанцев — молодой человек, намеревающийся учиться изобразительному искусству в Италии, однако, не имея средств, рискнувший на авантюру! Представившись профессором, Казанцев старается убедительно делать вид, что изучает обширную библиотеку графа, параллельно успевая активно приударять за невестой Пазуркевича, красавицей Анной. Странные события, происходящие в имении, втягивают гостя в водоворот мистической и жуткой истории…


Europe, 1709. Russia and Sweden are at war. Two French duelists are exiled by King Louis XIV of France: one to the side of Czar Peter the Great of Russia, the other to the side of King Charles XII of Sweden. Although separated by war and allegiance, fate has not finished with them.


A local female football team works together to get through hard times and overcome sexual prejudice. Their strength is tested when they lose not only the games, but also their beloved coach who was the core of their team. But they work together to seek financial support, achieve victories, and respect.