Dmitriy Surzhikov

Leonid Pryhunov is dismissed from the post of deputy head of the colony for educational work. To get back to his favorite business, he has to hold the position of director of one of the hottest schools in his hometown for several months. Leonid accepts the offer and goes through... personal hell.


It is July 1941, and the Nazis are advancing towards Kyiv. A special squad is tasked with investigating major cases by acting both at the frontline and in the city itself, where rising criminals are joining German subversives in infiltrating the city, while a number of Soviet government representatives are happily profiting from other people’s misery.

Captain Rykov cracks the most complex dead-end cases. His reputation precedes him; his adamant logic, cynicism and experience contribute to his success. He's so good at what he does some say he's supernaturally gifted. Well, let's just say that his success keeps him howling at the moon...

Tchernobyl, 1986, a few hours before the disaster. Piotr and Anya's wedding is interrupted by a fire at the power station.


В центре сюжета — классический любовный треугольник: супруги Андрей и Анна и ухажер Анны Егор. В результате драматических перипетий, происходящих с героями, один из них погибает…


Denis Valevsky is a 45 year-old businessman, he owns a furniture factory. He makes a tough business, quarrels with his bored wife and measures his life clearly - with dollar bills. The only thing to be appreciated is money. But the car accident unexpectedly throws Denis out of his routine. Suddenly he starts noticing things that had never interested him before: forms of flowers, silhouettes on the dress of his wife, unusual wall-paper colors... Inspired by these new abilities Denis spends all of his attention painting, gradually throwing all his businesses out of the head. As a result - he misses a profitable deal, partners recall their money back, and when a young lady artist appears in Denis' life, everything turns to complete confusion...