Dominique Boschero

Faccia di spia tries to tell the story of the CIA and other government intelligence agencies with lots of re-creations and dramatizations and points out some of the more brutal aspects of the intelligence community from around the world. Wars are started, all facets of everyday life are controlled, innocent people are tortured needlessly and subjected to extreme violence.


Sandro dreams about a woman older than himself. He works as a lifeguard at the beach and at the same time he's caring for a large number of sexually unsatisfied women who are coming for the weekend without their husbands.


Good bourgeois damage unintentionally life of a drug-party, during which the mistress of the house is raped without recognizing the aggressor. Both she and her husband come into crisis and try to figure out who it was. The truth comes to the surface slowly, and it is unexpected.


A couple of wandering hippies meet a man by the name of Antonio who takes them to the home where he lives with his sister and brother-in-law. There they meet several strange characters: a gypsy woman, a prostitute and a disturbing drunk. The host tells them that he is a producer of wines and loves to entertain strange people. In fact he is a madman who has created a mechanism that can suck blood from human bodies.


Jane lives in London with her boyfriend Richard. Her mother was murdered when she was young, she recently lost a baby in a car crash and she's plagued by nightmares of a knife-wielding man. Richard thinks that the cure is vitamins, while Jane's sister recommends psychiatric help. But a new neighbour promises that if she participates in a Black Mass, all her fears will disappear, instead it just seems to bring her nightmares to life.


Giallo thriller about a child killer roaming the streets of Venice. The family of the latest victim begin their own investigation. Soon finding they are in way over their heads, the killer now begins to target those who have discovered too much.


A Sicilian worker (Lando Buzzanca), a member of the internal commission in a factory in Bergamasco, believes he has won it over the owner because he has obtained important improvements, but the astute employer (Renzo Montagnani) sells the company to a multinational company.


In Dublin, the acid-scarred, razor-slashed corpse of a young woman is discovered in the boot of the Swiss Ambassador's limousine. The Ambassador, his family and employees all become immediate suspects. Faced with the problem of diplomatic immunity, the police officer in charge of the case brings in John Norton, an ex-Inspector known for his brutal methods, to carry out an "unoffical" investigation. While Norton develops a relationship with the Ambassdor's attractive daughter, several more gruesome murders occur...


Wells Fargo hires bounty hunters to protect its gold transports from the notorious outlaw Glenn Kovacs. Jeff Sullivan, one of the hired gunmen, buys the freedom of Dan Barker, a prisoner who may lead him to Kovacs. When Barker escapes from Sullivan, the other bounty hunters pursue him also, leading to the ultimate showdown between all parties.


Rosario Trapanese is determined to show he is not the typical old-fashion Sicilian. When his firm sends him to Denmark, a more sexual liberated nation than Italy, he immediately adopts the Danish "free-sexual-taboo" way of life. He meets and married Karen and succeeded to come back in Italy. Once here, he discovers Karen did a porn movie and his determination on being open minded is over. The typical Sicilian jealousy drives him crazy. Anyway, after a while, Rosario understands that what his wife did before to meet him it has not to be an issue for him. Karen confesses Rosario she signed a contract for a second movie and she could refuse only by paying a fine. The couple doesn't have enough money so they need to find a solution. And what a solution!


Most of the film takes place in an old mansion where the characters participate in a séance while a storm rages outside. During their stay, the film uses an extensive flashback structure to reveal the various criminal acts that each have perpetrated. The man leading the seance (Luciano Pigozzi, the "Italian Peter Lorre") seems intent on holding them responsible for their various crimes, and his seemingly supernatural knowledge of their past gradually cracks the facade of each one. A classic Italian Gothic from Antonio Margheriti. German/Italian co-production, 'old dark house' style.


2 buddy adventurers witness a train-robbery and are then hunting the robbed gold and they also robbed Helen.


A man gains access to a treasure map and persuades a guide (Juan Chasquisdo) to accompany him in his search to recover it. Both are pursued by bandits.


Betty is in jail after a failed raid on a jewelry store while her accomplice Bob escaped. But by chance she finds Bob's hiding place and towers with four other girls.


Argoman has a silly costume and is a sexist pig. He uses his special telekinetic powers to get the ladies to sleep with him. The catch is, after a night with a gal he loses his special powers for 6 hours! In this comedic super/spy thriller, Argoman goes head to head against the evil Jenabelle: Queen of the World.


At the Opera of Toulon, the cast and crew hoping to put on a Satanism / human sacrifice-themed ballet entitled “La malédiction de Belphégor” soon find their numbers dwindling.


A contemporary gang of international thieves has found the multi-billion counterfeit money stash that the Nazis produced. They need to dump it all across the world at once. A lower-level dame is spotted distributing some of it, and this sets American agent Bob Dixon (Stephen Forsyth) onto the trail. - msroz on IMDb


Investigator Fred Lester uncovers a killer using an air pistol firing chemical bullets in the swinging '60s spy thriller RING AROUND THE WORLD, a globe-hopping escapade featuring a plane-and-parachute stunt later repeated in the James Bond film Moonraker.


Six sketches with as many ways of murdering someone, and getting away with it.


A boy, Christian, sees his father murder his mistress in a mirror-lined room. Years later, he returns to the family home with Helene, his fiancée, and another married couple who are close friends, Paul (his lawyer) and Brigitte. Christian is haunted by the idea that his father - who supposedly committed suicide by throwing himself from a cliff - may still be alive. Strange occurrences, such as finding his father's still smoking pipe, lead him to suspect that Paul is trying to gain his inheritance, however...


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An American CIA agent (Richard Harrison) must find the whereabouts of valuable microfilm that was smuggled over by two Russian scientists who had been hoping to defect.


After stealing a diamond from Mylène Demongeot, Richard hides it inside a guitar. But on returning to the music shop he discovers that the precious instrument has just been sold! The problem is complicated by the fact that five stars all bought the same model that morning...


Hollywood producer Alexander Meyerheimer has hired drunken writer Richard Benson to write his latest movie. Benson has been holed up in a Paris apartment supposedly working on the script for months, but instead has spent the time living it up. Benson now has just two days to the deadline and thus hires a temporary secretary, Gabrielle Simpson, to help him complete it in time.


Two members of a former group of friends find themselves after many years by chance through the streets of Milan; after a moment, memories of the past resurface.


German journalist Peter Holberg arrives in Hong Kong and, by accident, he is carrying a microfilm that was destined to local gang lord, Marek. Peter is helped by another German journalist, Joan Kent, and falls in love with a night-club dancer, Colette. Colette is actually working for Marek, but betrays the gang for love - at the ultimate cost to her. The HK Police will intervene just in time to prevent Peter from further losses.


Ulysses offends the gods so they send Hercules to capture him and bring him to them.


Genies help an Arabian bandit (Tab Hunter) locate a magic arrow he needs to claim heirship to the sultan's kingdom.


Pablo, Domingo and Jose, three idiots, gunmen exchanged for large liberate a village in the republic of "Nonduras" from the oppression of dictator Bonarios. Parody of The Magnificent Seven, five writers got together for an anemic script that exploits a repertoire mixture with the song "A man alive"by Gino Paoli.


Thirty girls arrive in a seaside town to participate in a beauty contest. Marina has no ambitions of victory: she only wants to have the sewing machine promised to each participant.


Two conmen, Alamo and Mike, find shelter in Paradise City, which is full of jokers like themselves, who assume them to be lawmen and are almost hanged.


An off-beat, uneven tale about a man intent on suicide and the three people who try to talk him out of it, Pantalaskas stars American Carl Studer in the title role of the morose, would-be suicide. Set in Paris and taking place over an entire night, the story has a complication in that the trio who want to prevent the suicide do not speak the man's language -- he is Lithuanian and speaks no French. So the protagonists comb the underbelly of a nighttime Paris, looking high and low but mostly low for anyone who speaks Lithuanian. Depending mainly on dialogue for its impact, the verbose drama reveals how the protagonists undergo a transformation as the night wears on.


The lucky Baron wins a boat in a card game and takes off with his former lover to find new adventures. Adverse circumstances land them in a small town, where the Baron's seafaring companion leaves for more attractive scenery offered by a wealthy local man. Meanwhile, there is a certain charming cafe owner that the Baron finds irresistible -- at least for awhile.


Pierre Rossi and Béatrice live in the same block of flats in Marseille and love each other. One night, Béatrice leaves her apartment. Pierre knows that his fiancée goes to a rendezvous, but she would not tell him more than just that. Worried, Pierre follows her but he is attacked and stolen his identity papers by two men, Tom and Nasol, on the payroll of Quaglio, one of the city's bosses. Later on, Quaglio kills Nasol and deposits the body in a garage, leaving Pierre's papers nearby. As for Pierre, he manages to follow Tom to a villa where several young women have been invited. Pierre, horrified, realizes that this place is the headquarters for the white slave trade. - Written by Guy Bellinger


Sénéchal, an actor touring the provinces with the "Tournées Carlini" does not meet the success he thinks he deserves. One night in Dreux, he finds himself without his luggage and dressed up as a Foreign Legion officer, he is invited to a party thrown by a colonel. He creates a sensation there and does not leave the colonel's wife ... indifferent! Back in Paris, Sénéchal goes through a similar experience. This time around, wearing tuxedo and top hat, he gets mistaken for a diplomat and charms the guests of a wedding party. Arrested by the police, he chooses to do without an attorney at his trial and his brilliant eloquence has him acquitted. A question remains unanswered though : will all those people who give an ovation in real life ever go to see him on stage ?
