Domokos Szabó

Depicts the slow decline of three individuals as they are sucked into a world of sinful existence. It is the story of a wild and voracious love triangle.


Eszter, her husband Farkas, and their five-year-old son Bruno are paid an unexpected visit in the middle of the night. Eszter’s sister Ernella, her husband Albert and daughter Laura have returned from a year spent in Scotland where, contrary to expectations, they weren’t able to settle down. It soon becomes clear that the two families had never really been in tune with one another.


A weekend hunting party in Transylvania becomes something darker when the true motives and histories of the hunters are revealed following a shooting.


Imi, a rebellious teenager and her best friend, Tibi, live in a suburban housing estate. Imi increasingly feel that their relationship turns toward sexuality. A close friendship is at risk because of a woman's appearance Imi will love the beautiful Brigit, the local troupe's Sweetheart. The emotional triangle is extended to her suitor as well. Did not manage to solve the everyday situation?


A Hungarian film
