Don Lusk

Walt Disney was uniquely adept at art as well as commerce, a master filmmaker who harnessed the power of technology and storytelling. This new film examines Disney's complex life and enduring legacy. Features rare archival footage from the Disney vaults, scenes from some of his greatest films, interviews with biographers and animators, and the designers who helped turn his dream of Disneyland into reality.


In the first feature-length animated movie based on the Hanna-Barbera series, Jonny Quest fans get to meet the women behind the adventurous men. Joining scientist Benton Quest, his plucky son Jonny, bodyguard Race Bannon and Jonny's young pal Hadji are Benton's biologist wife Rachel, Race's ex-wife Jade and young 12-year-old Jessie, who harbors a big secret. Throughout, Team Quest battles the evil schemes of modern-day alchemist Dr. Zin, who has cloned himself and created an army of mutant reptiles in the Peruvian rain forest. The clash there results in a tragedy that changes Jonny's life forever - and later leads to a worldwide pursuit of Zin that includes examining rare Leonardo da Vinci documents in Paris, exploring the Roman catacombs and a final confrontation in the Australian outback.


A batch of monsters are shrunken to pocket size by a freak accident. A horror author's daughter finds the good monsters, and together, they battle the puny bad monsters, who have learned to grow temporarily when they hear a movie monster actress's scream.


A Hallmark adaptation of Rapunzel.


The three protagonists listen to a storyteller recount the creation as well as the Fall. At the same time, they learn their own lessons in honesty after tricking a gardener into giving them fruit for free.


Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo discover aliens who plan to conquer Earth.


The Nativity is seen through the eyes of three young visitors from the 20th century who are transported back through time to the Holy City


Sky Commanders is an animated television series made by Hanna-Barbera Productions. It premiered in July 1987 as part of The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera and lasted for thirteen episodes. It also spawned an action figure line from Kenner Toys.


Elroy Jetson invents a time machine that takes him back to prehistoric times, where he meets the Flintstone family.


The GoBots, television's amazing transformable super heroes, star in their first full length feature film, "GoBots: War of the Rock Lords." It's wall-to-wall action and high tech fun as the heroic Guradian GoBots join the Rock Lords' battle for control of the ultimate super weapon. And they'd better hurry, because the Guardian GoBots' all-time worst enemies, the Renegades, are out to use the super weapon for their own evil purposes.


The first in a series of "Beary Family" cartoons, Walter Lantz's last original cartoon series. Bessie Beary, wife of Charlie Beary, introduces us to the family which also includes son, Junior, daughter, Suzy, and pet, Goose, which, as Bessie explains, does not get along with Charlie. The story which unfolds explains why. It was Suzy's birthday and Charlie went to get a goose for her birthday supper. Unfortunately, Suzy thought the goose was intended as a pet and untied it leaving Charlie at its mercy. Goose settles into the family unit although Charlie declares, "Someday I'm gonna cook that goose!"


Chilly Willy's on a wharf fishing, using his accordion as a sea bag. As he catches a fish, he puts it in the sea bag.


Bessie Beary complains she is tired of always having to do the housework. Charlie offers to take care of things while she goes to the beauty parlor. Bessie, with good reason, does not trust Charlie and advises Goose to keep an eye out. Sure enough, Charlie does his chores as sloppily as possible leaving Goose to head over to the beauty parlor to tattle to Bessie who berates Charlie over the phone. Charlie soon discovers what a snitch Goose is and tries to "close that big beak".


Wally Walrus is the keeper of a fish hatchery in which trout are incubated and raised.


An animated segment from the film Melody Time which includes the two shorts "Bumble Boogie" and "Trees".

Walt Disney takes a look at the story of the creation of Donald Duck and his later career.

Donald's nephews come by for halloween and plays tricks on them. But Witch Hazel was watching, and offers to help the boys get even. She brews up a potion that animates inanimate objects and sics them on . He initially agrees to treat the boys, until he hears the witch call him a "pushover". She animates his feet to get him to cough up the key to his pantry.


The stork mistakenly delivers Lambert, a baby lion, to a flock of sheep. The mother won't let the stork take him back, so Lambert is raised as a sheep, but he just doesn't fit in. He grows up cowardly, until the day his mother is chased by a wolf.


Bambi's tale unfolds from season to season as the young prince of the forest learns about life, love, and friends.


Goofy demonstrates yet another pasttime, fishing. This humorous little film was one of a large number of pseudo-educational cartoons produced by Disney between 1940 and 1953 to feature Goofy at his most bumbling and inarticulate. A few tidbits of actual knowledge may be gleaned amid the laughs, however, as the narration discusses when to fish, fishing fever, where to fish, the trout, how to approach the stream, fly fishing, casting the lure and lake fishing. John McLeish narrates in his best documentarian manner.


Lonely toymaker Geppetto has his wishes answered when the Blue Fairy arrives to bring his wooden puppet Pinocchio to life. Before becoming a real boy, however, Pinocchio must prove he's worthy as he sets off on an adventure with his whistling sidekick and conscience, Jiminy Cricket.


The farm comes to life, to various classical tunes. The high point is a rooster serenading a chicken, with all the animals joining in. But then comes the sound that's even more welcome to the animals: the farmer and his wife with food (the only actual words spoken).


This Oscar-winning short tells of a bull who preferred to sit under trees and smell flowers to clashing horns with his fellow animals. As luck would have it, an untimely bee reveals Ferdinand's ferocious side via pained howls and wild stomping. This lands him in the bull-fighting arena amidst characters based on Walt's animators with a matador reportedly modeled after Walt himself.
