Donald Keith

A police chief and two security agencies work to find out who is behind a recent rash of hijackings.

A railroad employee finds out the identity of "The Wrecker", a criminal who is deliberately causing trains to crash. However, before he can disclose the crook's name, he is shot and killed. A passenger aboard the train volunteers to go after the killer and bring "The Wrecker" to justice.


In order to show up a rival, a snobbish woman throws a party and hires an actor to pretend to be from British royalty who is an "old friend".

The hard-boiled owner of a big-city speakeasy is reunited with her daughter, who has been raised to believe that her mother is dead, then finds herself accused of murdering her daughter's no-good boyfriend.


A reporter and a detective team up to solve the murder of a nightclub singer who had been involved in a divorce scandal.


A man accused of murdering a sheriff, escapes a posse and joins a gang at the Bar-O-Ranch. The mistress of the ranch is about to be cheated out of her land, but the wanted man helps her against the gang and bests the leader in a fight.

More mile-a-minute action with the stunt ace Richard Talmadge playing the loafer son of a shipbuilder facing financial ruin. Bob Stuart takes charge of the company's development of a new speedboat - unaware that gangsters and saboteurs want to thwart them and won't stop at murder. Filled with gymnastic action-packed fights, Speed Madness is "a knockout for fans who cheer the hero and hiss the villain.


When Rod, Ramrod, and Half-A-Rod ride into Steep Gulch, they immediately become Sheriffs. The previous Sheriffs have been killed by Mace and his gang who don't wait long before they make an attempt on the new trio.


In the great white north, a trapper searchers for the thief who has been stealing his furs while a local trader seeks to take advantage of the situation.

Michael Lanyard, a reformed cracks-man, adopts Adrienne, the daughter of an old friend, and goes to Southampton to attend a party celebrating her engagement to Bobby Crenshaw, the son of a wealthy society couple. The Count and Countess Polinac, international jewel thieves, also attend the party, and Count Polinac forces Lanyard to open the safe containing the jewelry of the guests by threatening to expose Lanyard's criminal past. Lanyard forestalls the count, however, and protects the valuables. The count and countess are arrested, and Michael's secret is kept safe.

A young married woman in a small town is visited by her sister, a single "flapper" who causes a scandal in town with her bobbed hair and short skirts. She attracts the attentions of some of the local men, which causes an even greater scandal--which is made worse when her sister abruptly leaves her boorish husband for another man.


During World War I a vaudeville entertainer, Mickey, is helping to recruit officers for the army and finds himself in the service along with his female partner, who is also his girlfriend. At training camp he comes up against Top Sergeant Mulligan, who proceeds to make life miserable for him. If that wasn't enough, it turns out that Mulligan, the captain and a YMCA worker are all making a play for his girlfriend.

The story takes place in Milwaukee during the early 1900s with a bank clerk named August Schiller who is happy with both his job and his family. He is tasked with transporting $1,000 in securities to Chicago. On the train he meets a blond seductress who convinces him to buy her a bottle of champagne, and takes him to a saloon. The next morning he awakes alone in a dilapidated bedroom and without the securities.


The second and last of Eddie Cantor's silent vehicles, Special Delivery casts the wide-eyed comedian as a hapless mailman. While going through his swiftly appointed rounds, Eddie stumbles upon a gang of crooks who are planning a large-scale confidence scam. He exposes the villains and wins the love of heroine Madge (Jobyna Ralston). Though Cantor was a fine physical comic, he didn't truly score in films until the arrival of talkies allowed his fans to hear as well as see him. Special Delivery was directed by "William Goodrich," who in reality was comedian Fatty Arbuckle, hoping to stage a comeback after the sex scandal that destroyed his career.


Silent romantic melodrama about a wife and mother who is desperate to keep a secret from the past IN the past, despite her husband's intentions to reveal it.


"Stinky" Smith makes off with the prize money when his buddy, "Knockout" Hansen loses a fight with Percival "Sailor" Scruggs. Hansen pursues him him a U.S. Navt recruiting office, and, the next thing they know, both are in the Navy and aboard an overseas transport ship. Madelyn Phillips is on board and Scruggs is the the ship's Master-of-Arms. They overhear a mysterious conversation between Madelyn and the ship's radio officer. Later, Madelun induces the pair to take her off the ship and into a row boat. She disappears and they are picked up by a French ship, which sinks a German U-Boat. When the war ends they learn that Madelyn was an operative of the U.S. Secret Service.


Aspiring author, Clara Bow (as Prudence "Prue" Severn) leaves her staid home for the wild life in New York's artistic Greenwich Village community. So, her concerned family hires two thrill-seeking ex-dough-boys to look after Ms. Bow, and, hopefully, persuade her to come home. The soldiers of fortune are: cute bow-tied Donald Keith (as Bartley "Bart" Greer) and his comic buddy Lee Moran (as Dick Flynn); they move into Bow's apartment building, where she lives with sculptress Carmelita Geraghty (as Wayne Leigh). Mr. Keith is attracted to the vivacious Bow. Although interested in Keith, Bow senses he is being paid to "watch over her"; so, she decides to elope with handsome Francis McDonald (as Rolf).


Armand and Marie survive in the streets until a scientist takes them in after a botched robbery.


An ex-reformatory girl seeks a new life with the help of a fatherly judge and an earnest young minister. Trouble ensues when a criminal gang catch up with her.


Hugh Carver is an athletic star and a freshman at Prescott College. He falls in love with Cynthia Day, a popular girl who loves to party, and finds that it's impossible to please her and still keep up with his studies and athletic training. Soon the two face some difficult decisions.


Sidney Page is a beautiful young nurse, the object of the romantic attentions of several young men in her small town. One of them, a mysterious fellow known as K, suddenly finds that the life of his rival for Sidney's hand depends upon his revealing the secret of his own past.


Phil Kelly, a veteran of the Spanish-American War, serves as an American spy during World War I unknown to his mother, fiancée Rose Lockely and friends, who sadly question his loyalty when he fails to enlist.