Dorian Tan Tao-Liang

Welcome to the world of the martial arts. A voyage for the times of the martial arts cinema, from the beginning in China in the 6th Century A.C. by a Buddhist monk, Bodhidharma, until the actual time and the influence in the world, with interviews to actors and historians, and a review to the most important movies of all times and to the most famous action movies actors. A magnificent jewel of this genre what nobody wouldn't lose.


Towards the end of the Vietnam war, the US is running low on drivers for their supplies so they bring in a new lot of recruits and have to train them to survive in the dangers of wartorn Vietnam. The recruits are trained briefly by an American officer but are quickly handed off to their South Vietnamese officers and are made to go out into the dangers of Vietnam without getting the protection they need by the Americans who are more concerned with withdrawing their own troops instead of protecting the South Vietnamese


The government seems powerless against the brutal activities of the ninjas and requests the help of the powerful task force of the American drug fighting organization. The US authorities send their best man on a high-explosive mission to eliminate the unscrupulous killer ninja clan and destroy their drug ring.


Action film starring John Cheung as a traveler to Thailand who gets embroiled in a secret exchange of film. Along with a detective (Dorian Tan), he is eventually confronted by the thugs and dispatches them in various ways before heading back to Hong Kong. While in Thailand, his girlfriend (Sibelle Hu) is murdered and he picks up a new girl before leaving.

Eight thieves steal a treasure map and split it into eight pieces, vowing to regroup three years later. But they'll have to deal with a deadly-kicking cop.


Don't expect a long life if you are one of the emperor's fourteen sons! For instance, Ninth Prince meets an "accident" while hunting. The (unnamed) Manchu emperor is old and ill, and speculation about his successor is rife. But the powerful Lord Long, who is not a son of the emp, wants the throne as well. To stay alive, Fourth Prince keeps secret his kung fu lessons and plays the fool. Fourth Prince then leaves palace life to live among the poor. He befriends a ragged band on commoners and, eventually, returns to the palace to prevent Lord Long's rise to the throne after the last prince is killed.


During China's 1920s Republican Period, warlords carve out personal fiefdoms across the country and impose self-serving laws with the barrel of a gun. Into this anarchy rides a masked feminine Zorro, nom de guerre Violet, to do battle, right wrongs and foment rebellion against the most corrupt and brutal warlord of all, Tung Ta-Chou. Unbeknownst to Tung, however, Violet is his own daughter. Tung orders his psycho enforcer Master Wu to track down and dispose of this pesky rebel queen. Meanwhile, Violet begins a flirtation with an attractive stranger who comes to town with the other half of a treasure map held by Tung. Ultimately, Master Wu betrays the warlord on the lure of the complete treasure map, enabling Violet and the stranger to apprehend Master Wu and beat the warlord at his own game.


Renowned kickfighter Delon Tam a.k.a. Dorian Tan Tao-Liang (THE HOT, THE COOL, AND THE VICIOUS) stars in this butt-kicking kung fu fest, hailed by critics as one of the greatest kicker movies ever made! When Pan, a South China martial artist is defeated and killed by Tan, a North China challenger in a legfighter duel, Pan's younger brother Pak (Kang Peng) vows to crush Tan with his own unique style of ferocious footwork, The Leg Fighters is high-flying, brilliant kickfighting action!


THE HEROES offers an intriguing variation on the Shaolin theme, starting with the familiar account of the burning of Shaolin Temple and the repression of Shaolin kung fu by the Manchurian-backed Qing rulers. Here the focus is on a former Shaolin man, Marshal Kao, who takes his former classmates prisoner and, instead of executing them, proposes to his Qing commander that he torture them and break their spirits until they're willing to fight on behalf of the Qings. The 'torture' comes to look increasingly like strenuous kung fu training with Kao putting the prisoners through their paces. The Qing governor and his aides become suspicious of Kao's motives, although the beautiful Princess Shao Lung develops her own ideas about him. Interspersed within the story are flashbacks to Kao's training at Shaolin.


When an innocent man is framed for a crime he did not commit by a government official desperate to assume complete power over his impoverished region, he must escape from his prison cell and expose the corrupt leader in this action-packed martial arts classic featuring fight choreography by Matrix and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon mastermind Yuen-Woo Ping. An important food shipment has been hijacked by a vicious band of thieves, and the man in charge of the transport (Lee Chan-Hu) has been framed for the crime and tortured in front of his family. Later escaping into the wilderness to meet up with his loyal followers, the wrongly accused man attempts to elude the nefarious politician's assassins long enough to expose his plan to the unsuspecting public.


When a diamond is stolen in Hong Kong, the company insuring the diamond sends a former CIA agent to Hong Kong to retrieve it. Meanwhile, one of the thieves begins to have a change of heart because his girlfriend wants him to leave his criminal organization.


Lee Tso Nam's Challenge of Death features students of two different schools of martial arts, Snake Fist and Dragon Fist, teaming up in order to stop a drug smuggler who fights with the dreaded Spider Claws.


Snake and Crane Secret is a fast paced martial arts action film about a familys battle for survival. A family tries to uphold their honor while keeping their Sacred Kung Fu book from getting into the wrong hands. A tale of deceit mistrust and traditional values unfolds along with spectacular fight sequences necessary to keep the Snake Crane Secret.


A corrupt mayor of a town in Szechuan province allies himself with a group of bandits to gain control of the region by cutting off all supply routes to the town. Two police men both expert kickers are deployed to put an end to the mayors evil plot.


The Wu Tang hire a formidable leg fighter Kao to fight the Saholin Loyalist Hu Hui Chien


Tan Tao Liang kicks his way to victory in this not be missed masterpiece!


Captain Lu is the respected head of security of a village, but his wealthy boss runs the town, and is corrupt, while the boss's son is a dissolute skirt-chaser. Pai Yu Ching, the Southern Fist, swaggers into town, and clashes with Captain Lu, which earns him an offer to work for the town boss. However, nearly everyone in the town is something other than what they seem. Lu has a shameful secret in his past, which motivates Miss Li to ask Pai to kill him. The town boss is minting counterfeit coins, and someone is trying to gather the evidence of this. Events bring Lu and Pai onto the same side, which is fortunate, because the town boss brings in Mr Lung, a fearsome martial arts genius, to kill off all his enemies. Sequel is "Challenge Of Death".


Legendary Chinese rebel Fong Sai Yuk (Fei Meng) takes on the Manchu dynasty in this high-octane martial arts actioner. After killing one of the governor's thugs, Fong must not only elude authorities, but also face a deadly assassin. Discovering the governor has murdered his two kung fu brothers, Fong vows to take on the corrupt leader. The film includes a slew of awe-inspiring battles using lethal Shaolin poles.


Judy Lee (Chia Ling) is out to avenge the massacre of her family by the Emperor's men and is assisted by another young woman, played by Lung Chun Erh. The two infiltrate the Emperor's court by posing as maids. Carter Wong plays a kung fu fighter sent to help Judy by the monastery where she was raised.


Kung fu fans know well the legends of the 18 Bronze Men and the 108 Wooden Men of Shaolin, and in this fast-paced martial arts adventure, a whole new myth comes to the screen with the completely original tale of the 18 Stone Warriors. After the famous General Stone is stricken down in battle under mysterious circumstances, his talented son Flash Legs (Tan Tao Liang) vows to investigate the strange death and get to the truth of the matter.


As the daughter of the Chinese police chief, Angela secretly dresses up as a man to use her kung fu on Japanese troublemakers.


The Tseng family is one of the most noble and respected clans in a small village in Tibet. The patriarch of the Tseng family wants to marry off his daughter Ching Lan into the Kao clan. However, the cunning and deceitful eldest brother Kao Chu only wants his younger sibling Kao I-Fan to marry Lan so he can gain access to the Tseng family's considerable wealth and power.


A survivor of an attack on a rebel group opposing the Manchu invasion of China creates the Goose Fist fighting technique and tries for revenge on a traitor.


When the emperor becomes ill and the Sung Dynasty is threatened by an evil baron, a patriotic officer named Ree (Chia Ling) is assigned to the imperial palace to protect the sacred temple from rebels. Prepare to be chopped and kicked as Ling displays some martial arts fireworks in this 1979 curiosity.


The movie is structured much like a murder mystery, albeit one that gives the viewer a fight scene every couple of minutes. There’s a murderer who goes by the moniker Devil Swordsman gallivanting around the countryside in an outfit that looks like a ninja cloak by way of a KKK robe who’s killing all of the major kung fu masters and clan leaders with a single swipe to the face. One of his first victims is the head of the White Dragon tribe, whose son, Shan, is played by Dorian Tan Tao-Liang. Shan naturally assumes the role of detective in order to avenge his father, since that’s what people do in these movies.


This film is about Fong Sai-yu going under cover as a servant in the villain's mansion. He is a famous fighter that fights for justice. While at the mansion he met the great Kow Lee played by Tao-Liang Tan also a great fighter that works there for the villain. He recognize Fong Sai-Yu right away and challenge him to a fight because he wanted to match his fighting skill with the famous fighter. At first Fong Sai-Yu declined but eventually agreed after the great Kow Lee threatens to reveal his identity. They met on top of a mountain where they fought to a draw and then became great friends. The great Kow Lee later help Fong Sai-Yu at the end of the film to defeat the villain who was very tough to beat.


In the early days of the Chinese Republic era, dockworkers in Macau are being mistreated by their Chinese overseers. An accident reveals that the cargo is composed of guns and opium.
