Doris Pawn

In an attempt to try and tame young city girl Charlotte Rowland, Bill Coryell, a young rancher, plans a fake kidnapping party from which he is to rescue her. However, a bully interferes and incites her against Bill, but Charlotte discovers the ruse in time to save herself and Coryell.


Fightin' Mad film

A naive young Swede is repeatedly victimized by predatory women. When finally he meets a young woman who seems sincere and true, he wonders if he can trust her.

Blizzard, deranged from a childhood operation in which both his legs were needlessly amputated after an accident, becomes a vicious criminal, and eventually mob leader of the San Francisco underworld.


A fortune teller tells a store clerk with a romantic disposition that she was a Spanish noblewoman in an earlier life. The girl begins to live the part of the Spanish noblewoman and romance and comedy ensue.


Honest Arizona rancher Sam Gardner, goes with his motherless son Billy to the city, where he is cheated out of ten thousand dollars by a band of crooks. Taking up residence in a boardinghouse where he meets Jane Ingraham, Sam decides that the only way to regain his losses is by gambling. To achieve this, he makes friends with gambler Kittie Hinch who takes him to Jack Bloom's gambling house. When Bloom begins flirting with Hinch's wife Florry, the injured husband kills his rival and the evidence points to Sam as the killer. Jane tries to provide him with an alibi, but fails. Just as things look grim for the rancher, a wire arrives from Hinch, now in Mexico, confessing to the crime. His faith in mankind thus rewarded, Sam is free to marry Jane

Catherine Montour (Adda Gleason), a striking half-breed Indian princess, and mistress of King George III (Jack Cosgrove) aspires to become the first Queen of America when the revolution breaks out.


Eve Edgarton decides to devote her life solely to her love of botany, but unexpectedly falls in love with a man who shares none of her intellectual interests. A complete copy exists at the Archives Du Film Du CNC.