Dorothee Reize

Mike Duerst gets dumped by his girlfriend, because she is pregnant by her former boyfriend. In his despair Mike gets in contact with Gregor Frank, a psychologist, who, in his radio show, claims to know all about women.Gregor promises Mike to find the perfect woman, if he agrees to be the subject for his upcoming psychological advisory book. Mike accepts. So Gregor explains Mike the typical patterns of women's behavior.


Stefan Balsiger is a congenial, average councillor to the Swiss embassy in Havanna. While accompanying an US senator on his mission in Cuba, he makes a botch of so many things, that a minor blunder by the Senator turns into a serious incident, which intensifies into a second Cuban crisis - thanks to further entanglements by the media, police, and diplomats who represent the arch-enemies USA and Cuba. Only one person can eventually solve the crisis: Stefan Balsiger himself.
