Dragomir Pešić

Black Horses is a film about the destiny of Serbian people who are forced to endure the "rule from the North" against their will. The empress Maria Theresia has designated their region of Banat to be the dungeon for insubordinate citizens of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Fortunately, World War One has interfered and ended the rule of the Austrain emperors, but many wounds have remained, wounds that bore spite and on the basis of which the people began their struggle to find their identity, to gain their freedom and land and a better life. That kind of surroundings, full of those ready to exploit others and retort to violence, where a man is torn between honesty and fraud, was my inspiration to make a modern film focused on love "the thing a man can suffer for; a thing you can give your heart to; and a thing that can make your heart stop".


Five scenarios in which people have trouble distinguishing truth from illusions. Each segment reflects the motto of Voltaire's Candide: "Optimism is insisting everything is good, when everything is bad."


Sultana and the bootmaker's wife Pela looks very much like each other, with replacement clothing and residence, Sultana becomes Pela and Pela becomes Sultana. The consequence of disguise is that the Sultana are undergoing torture from Pela's husband which changes her nature, which makes positive impact on her environment. The script abounds with musical numbers that contribute to the atmosphere, establish era and the place of action, and in this play bring vaudeville jollity.


The adventures of a young commie activist, whose love for the party is not even close to the one he has for women. Every action he undertakes is somehow connected to the love adventure, and his rise on a social ladder doesn't stops even in the turbulent period of Informbureau crisis.


A group of musicians, whose band is called "Balkan express", in fact a quintet of small-time crooks , trying to make some money in Nazi-occupied Serbia.


A moulder wants to live a happy life, but the circumstances in his factory are such that everyone is looking for an opportunity to grab the money before the ship sinks down to the bottom.


Two partisans, a man and a woman, try to escape a Nazi manhunt in the infernal landscape of WW2 Vojvodina.


After the end of World War II, a young partisan falls in love with a German secretary who is captured and imprisoned by partisans. He decides to free her and escape with her.


After confronting his professor, a student of medicine loses his illegal bed in student housing and finds a job as a housemaid at Sava Mitrovic house. The family happiness soon turns into a chaos, falling apart like a Robert Hall suit.
