Duke Worne

A thrilling drama of young love and the great sacrifice made by railroad workers that we may travel in safety. (Print ad- Evening News, Tonawanda, N.Y. 4 February 1931)

Shirley Mason plays the title-role, a glamorous musical star having a hard time escaping the clutches of her lecherous producer (Tom Curran). The producer, however, refuses to leave well enough alone, and Anne is tempted to return to her glamorous life.

Escaping from a revolution, the King (Joseph Swickard) of a mythical Balkan country heads to the United States. Here he finds a friend in the form of dashing secret service agent Yorke Norray (Cornelius Keefe).


Calhoun is the Miner's wife being driven frantic by husband Mason when Laidlaw staggers into her cabin seeking refuge from a posse on his trail.

When a wealthy recluse apparently commits suicide, his trusted friend John Nichols (Rex Lease) is put in charge of the estate. Nichols is ordered to locate the dead man's long-lost son and daughter and inform them of their legacy. The two beneficiaries turn out to be the owners of a run-down racetrack. Falling in love with the daughter (Helene Costello), Nichols tries to rejuvenate the track with a high-stakes horse race.

In search of her fugitive brother, who wounded a man who was later murdered, Johanna Hearne encounters pirates, a Chinaman with a harem and criminals as slaves, and love on a desert island for ship captain Dan Meloy.


A brilliant detective is trying to break up a notorious crime ring, using part of an intercepted message. While investigating, he meets a beautiful and mysterious countess.


The Library of Congress holds a copy.

Bud Taylor loves Mary Stoddard but is leaving for Alaska in search of gold, leaving a police-dog pup with her that he has named "Phantom." Wade Burton is anxious to win Mary and her father's money. Later, Wade follows Bud to Alaska and attempts to claim-jump Bud's gold strike, but is foiled by Bud and "Phantom."


William Gordon, Jr. is the rebellious heir to a million dollar airplane business. He leaves home in search of adventure, and falls in love with Helen, the daughter of an eccentric, destitute inventor. William enters an air race using a souped-up plane.


The Library of Congress holds a copy.

Dick Van Buren, a wealthy young man with a penchant for breaking traffic laws, is arrested for speeding and sentenced to 10 days in jail. He is given the option to work out his sentence and becomes a lifeguard at a public beach, where he rescues a mysterious woman from several perils. The woman, with whom he begins a romance, turns out to be a famous film actress caught up in the frenetic antics of a publicity campaign.

The Pride of the Force s a 1925 silent crime film

American romantic comedy which had the well known Australian actor Snowy Baker as a cast member. The daughter of a Spanish don falls in love with an American captain the moment she sees him. Her father takes the girl to the Riveria, where she is promised to a wealthy cad, but the captain arrives in time to rescue her from him as well as a crazed gypsy who has abducted her.

An unscrupulous gang attempts to corner the wheat market.

A Canadian Mountie and a young girl team up to prevent an evil couple from finding a fallen meteorite that contains a powerful element called "Tilano."


This episodic melodrama was adapted from the novel The Mysterious Mr. Trent, by Wyndham Martyn.

Dangerous Paths is a 1921 silent film

Directed by Ben F. Wilson and Duke Worne.


Carter Holmes, master criminologist, must help the oft-kidnapped Ruth Stanhope to find the 9 daggers that will unlock the secret of the cursed Devil's Trademark!


An Indian scholar seeks an American colleague who is working on a powerful explosive, trying to get to his formula by taking advantage of his drinking problem.


As a baby, John Ermine is stolen from a wagon train by the Crow Indians and is adopted by Chief Fire Bear. John grows to manhood, ignorant that he is a white man until his parentage is disclosed to him by Crooked Bear, a white hermit who is on friendly terms with the Crows. Crooked Bear teaches John the language and customs of the white man's civilization, impressing upon him that it is his sacred responsibility to keep peace between the white men and the Indians.


The Tornado mostly followed pulp Western formula -- bad guys hold up a town, take a girl hostage, and the hero rides to the rescue. But there were a couple of twists that made it seem more personal than the usual cowboy fare. Ford's Jack Dayton ... is known as "the No-Gun Man" because he faces the villains unarmed, anticipating the character played by James Stewart in George Marshall's 1939 Western comedy classic Destry Rides Again. Dayton is an immigrant who uses the reward money to bring over his mother (Jean Hathaway) from Ireland, a prototypically Fordian situation if there ever was one.


When bandits capture the wife of a US army lieutenant stationed in the Philippines, along with her lover, the choice is his whether to forgive.


Bored with the ranch, Buck's girl goes off to the city and gets involved (innocently) in a brothel. When Buck brings a herd of cattle to town, a streetwalker lures him to the house just in time for him to save his girl from Martin.


While waiting in a hotel lobby for instructions from his government, Ludwig Schumann, an agent of the Black Legion, is enchanted by Marion Washburn, the daughter of a Texas senator. As he is about to speak to the girl, Schumann is stunned to see a young American enter who could be his double. The American is James Walbert, whom Schumann's contact mistakes for the agent. The contact passes to Walbert a photograph of a woman spy, Wanda Bartell, whom the agent is to meet aboard a steamer. Walbert realizes the mistake and determines to protect his country.

Just before a big bout, Jimmie, a New York prize fighter, gets a lucky medal from his friend Billy. Herman Marlex, a chronic teller of tall tales informs Jimmie that the medal is really a royal one, worn by the infant Prince of Magonia when he was kidnapped years before. Then, on fight night, Jimmie is knocked senseless. On his way home, Magonian emissaries see him wearing the medal, and so haul him back to the "homeland." Despite his insisting that he is merely a boxer, Jimmie is hailed as the returning prince.

Awakened during the night by a thunderstorm, a young Parisian woman hears a violin playing in the house next door. The following morning, she becomes acquainted with Ellis, the musician, and they fall in love. The happiness of their subsequent marriage is brief, however. The wife begins frequenting the cabaret where Ellis is employed as a violinist, accompanied by one of her husband's friends, and she becomes disenchanted with her marriage. Learning of his wife's infidelity, Ellis attempts to jump into the Seine, but he is restrained by the police. He returns, insane, to the cabaret, where he discovers a secret door leading to a crypt. There he dwells among the bones, and time passes.