Đuro Utješanović

The doyen of national theater, Dado Telebuh, goes through psychological crisis after being dumped by his lover Ivan Starcevic, who got involved in a romantic relationship with Jurica Pavicic. Alone in his apartment, Dado tries to find comfort in all-night telephone conversations via SOS service, who provide him with psychological support in the form of nun called Sanja Separovic. For his characters, much disputed Croatian director Jakov Sedlar used real names of the film critics and public figures who disdained his cinematic work.


A cruel world of the Yugoslavian prison during 1980s, based on real events about a man who gets life sentence for committed crime.


At the beginning of 1990s, two Croatian emigrants, economically minded Cinco and politically minded Marinko, arrive in Croatia from Germany, homesick for their families and hometowns. In order to get a German pension, Cinco pretends to be dead and travels in a coffin. Soon, Marinko joins him because he is running away from an old agent of the Yugoslav State Security Service. On their trip in a motor hearse, Cinco and Marinko face many adventures, which culminate when they are stopped at Serbian barricades close to their destination.


Diana McGowin is a successful middle-aged legal secretary. Upon her realization that she is in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, Diana courageously attempts to hide her affliction from her husband, Jack, and her children, but it isn't long before the truth becomes painfully obvious.


After his wife's murder and house burnt, a young soldier is in search for new home for his daughter. But coming to chaotic at the beginning of the war Zagreb is no place for hope...


Maria lives with his son Darko in a Croatian village that was attacked by Serbian Chetniks one night. Them two manage to escape, and find hideout in the nearby town. Maria takes up job in the laundry, while Darko joins Croatian Defendors, much to his mother's opposition. After discovering that her son was killed, Maria sets off to the front so she could bury his body if nothing else.


This film is based on the true story about Jovan Stanisavljevic alias Charuga, the bandit who became a legend in post-WW1 Slavonia, Croatia.


A young man is determined to find out what happened to his grandfather who was arrested and then disappeared in WW2, why did the new communist government label their family as traitors and why was his father killed many years later.


Two friends, Fabijan and Dakar, go fishing on a calm river close to Zagreb. In his youth, Fabijan was a Partisan, and Dakar a member of the Foreign Legion. Suddenly, while fishing, they are attacked by unknown assassins. While fighting for their lives, they wonder if this is revenge for unsettled accounts from their past. Fabijan and Dakar set off on a quest for the assassins and motives for their attack...


A stray dog tries to find suitable boss in a newly-built city resort.


An insight into multi-layered relations between natives and newcomers in the town of Pula following WWII and departure of Angloamerican forces.


During the WWII, the communist resistance, with the help of a few local anti-fascists, makes sabotage and obstructs the actions of the Yugoslav quislings.


Deals with the father-son conflict in a farming family. The two never see eye to eye especially over the way the farm is run. The boy opts for a different way of life and also falls in love with a dumb girl to the horror of his family.


A power-cut in a great apartment building brings the tennants together.


The adaptation of a lesser known novel by Nobelist Ivo Andric, which describes the life of a spinster who was overwhelmed by a single passion: avarice.


In a village of heterogeneous ethnic composition (populated by Serbs and Croats), the local hunter gets wounded by an accidental shot which stirs up passion among the two communities.


Sfaira (1971-1984) dedicated to Pythagoras and Plato is a homage to two of his favourite spheroids: the Earth and the Sun.


Europe in second half of 16th century was very rough place to live. Peasants of Slovenia and Croatia had even rougher times because of the constant threat of Turk raids and being taxed to death in order to provide defence against the Turks. But, the worst things were arrogant local feudal lords led by Franjo Tahi who were oppresing the common folk. All that led to the great peasant revolt of 1573. The movie is made for the 400th anniversary of the event.


In Memoriam Djuro Utjesanovic
