Dušan Vukotić

In live action, an old man feelds a flour mill. Two seeds are then transformed into animated lovers who dance their last waltz.


An animated film compiled by David Ehrlich consisting of 27 animators from different countries all explaining themselves through their animation.


Robert is a SF writer, who realizes that he can make his thoughts material. Because of that, a group of aliens arrives to Earth. Their leader is Andra, who shows affection for Robert, which does not please his girlfriend, Biba. A monster, Mumu, has arrived together with the visitors from space.


A girl goes to buy bread...


This movie tells a true story about events in Zagreb in 1941. Nazis and their collaborators organized the great gathering of students on Dubrava stadium. The intention was to publicly separate Jews from them which would lead to future pogrom. The event, however, took an unexpected turn.


A richly illustrated cartoon film that enlarges on man's capacity to foul his own nest, and to ignore it. Made by a joint team of Canadian and Yugoslav animation artists, the film transmits its warning with unflagging humor, imagination, movement and design. In between animated sequences Dr. Fred H. Knelman, Professor of Science and Human Affairs at Concordia University in Montréal, comments on the import of what is shown and on what lies in store if more responsibility is not taken on a global scale to conserve what is left of our vital resources and usable environment.


Experimental animation/live-action short by Dušan Vukotić


A group of children discover the new continent of the world, uninhabited by adults. Soon, many other children are joining them in that new paradise, leaving their parents and other adults baffled on all remaining continents.


A girl attempts to reach red apples from a tree. Aliens land on Earth and the girl offers them the fruits.

In this child's game, a live-action boy and girl draw characters and compete who is better. The girl draws a flower and the boy draws a car that runs it over. Then a drawn lion chases a drawn girl, until it all becomes frightfully serious.


Simple story about the man who goes to the beach and uses inflatable objects for all of his needs.


A little girl tricks a nasty boy into thinking that the "rocketship" she built has taken him to the moon.


Two men in adjoining duplexes, good friends, are enchanted by the song of a bird. One buys a small harmonica and learns to play it; he keeps his neighbor awake. The neighbor buys a larger harmonica, and an arms race ensues; the instruments get larger, until it's a piano vs. a pipe organ, and then they start bringing in larger groups of friends until an entire orchestra is playing the 1812 Overture. The houses collapse from all this, atop the dueling orchestras, and on their way up to heaven, the man puts his small harmonica up for sale.


A man reads a horror novel late at night. His imagination runs away with him; he thinks some dripping beverage is blood, is frightened by his own bear-skin rug, and faints when he sees a shadow of himself in a noose-like tangle of his phone cord. The ambulance arrives and finds the most threatening thing is a kitten in a sock and a shelf of horror novels. They cart off the novels and leave the man.


A short animated film by Dušan Vukotić.


An animated adaptation of a short story by Anton Chekhov ("Мститель").


After some typical Western hero actions, a theatrical gunfighter interacts with his fans.


A little boy, child of the space age, encounters an old and crotchety magician and his familiars, and outdoes all the wizard's tricks with the products of modern science.


A scientist builds a robot, and sets it to cleaning up his lab while he sleeps. The robot rebels, and creates two small robots; they create various forms of mischief while he sleeps, including trapping him and the inventor for a while.


A man wakes up in his grave and realizes that he's been buried alive. He gets up and arrives home only to find out that his wife and relatives threw a party instead of mourning, looking forward to his big inheritance.


A project from the Kićo series: The Enchanted Castle in Čačinci, later changed to The Enchanted Castle in Dudinci – Čačinci was found on a map, and Vukotić needed an imaginary name of the place. Screenplay was written by Fadil Hadžić, main cartoonist and animator is Vukotić, scenography (perhaps the best in his career) is created by Ismet Voljevica. Music was composed by Vladimir Kraus-Rajterić. Nikola Kostelac appears as the assistant to the main cartoonist, and Vilim Firšt as the assistant for animation. Assistant director is Irena Vrkljan.

An early animated film by Dusan Vukotic, attempt at Disney-style animation.
