E.H. Calvert

One of the last bills signed by President Lincoln authorizes pushing the Union Pacific Railroad across the wilderness to California. But financial opportunist Asa Barrows hopes to profit from obstructing it. Chief troubleshooter Jeff Butler has his hands full fighting Barrows' agent, gambler Sid Campeau; Campeau's partner Dick Allen is Jeff's war buddy and rival suitor for engineer's daughter Molly Monahan. Who will survive the effort to push the railroad through at any cost?


Army Captain takes a leave of absence to find out what happened to his missing father.....

A famous detective is invited to a swanky party at an elegant mansion, but before the night is over he finds himself involved with gangsters, blackmail and murde


While a distinguished astronomer is giving a lecture in a planetarium, a shot rings out and one of the audience members is found dead. A tough detective and a brassy female reporter lock horns as they both try to break the case.


Wealthy Henry Hanley takes his family to a dude ranch. But his daughter Gloria's boyfriend Eric is waiting and he is after Hanley's money. Ken overhears Eric's plan and abducts Gloria to stop the elopement. The outlaw Lacrosse and his henchman then catch Ken without his guns, take off with Gloria, and leave a tied up Ken in a burning shack.


The ranchers have given money through Benton to the crooked lawyer Harkness to save the titles to their land. When Harkness gets a better offer, he steals Benton's receipt for the money and Benton is jailed. To fight back, Benton escapes jail at night to become the Phantom.

Rufus T. Firefly is named president/dictator of bankrupt Freedonia and declares war on neighboring Sylvania over the love of wealthy Mrs. Teasdale.


A newlywed couple journeys west to make their fortune, and begins a banking empire.


Quincy Adams Wagstaff, the new president of Huxley U, hires bumblers Baravelli and Pinky to help his school win the big football game against rival Darwin U.


Chane Weymer, an Arizona rancher, goes after a gang that is trapping wild horses by the use of barbed-wire enclosures.


Four battle-weary American soldiers under fire reflect on the women they left behind.


Cub reporter Dusty investigates the murder of the District Attorney and stumbles into a plot involving a kidnapping and a crooked election.


Dress designer Joan Wood, who's heavily in debt, has created costumes for a Broadway show that is exported to Argentina. With the money she wants to pay her debts, but there was a mistake: she is receiving the money in Buenos Aires, not in New York. Her friend Wally Wendell, whose grandfather does not approve of his relationship with her, wants him to marry a girl he hasn't seen for some years named Constance Cook, whose grandfather is the owner of a ship traveling to Buenos Aires and Constance


Gardoni, a down-on-his-luck vaudeville performer, is taken in by a fellow performer, a clown who has a bicycle riding act. Gardoni shows his appreciation by stealing the clown's act and his girlfriend, whom he marries.


In this comedy, a Yiddish fellow cannot keep from kibitzing into other people's lives. Trouble ensues when he is mistakenly given a huge fortune in stocks that he can spend any way he pleases. At the same time, his daughter has fallen in love with an impoverished, but good hearted boy. When the kibitzer suggests he bet all his money on a dog of a racehorse, the lad does it. Against all odds, the horse wins, and suddenly the young man is quite wealthy.


A Man from Wyoming is a 1930 American romance film directed by Rowland V. Lee and starring Gary Cooper, June Collyer, and Regis Toomey. Written by Albert S. Le Vino and John V.A. Weaver, the film is about a man from Wyoming who enlists in the Army and is sent to the front during World War I. There he saves the life of an American society girl working in the Ambulance Corps. Afterwards at a rest camp, they meet again, fall in love, and are secretly married.


The queen of mythical Sylvania marries a courtier, who finds his new life unsatisfying.


A woman infiltrates a criminal mob to avenge her brother's death.


Claire Tree is a singer/dancer who goes after what she wants in a straight-forward, no-nonsense manner, so when she finds herself in the New York City hotel-suite, in fashionable Peacock Alley, of Stoddard Channing, she wastes no time.


A ruthless, crooked stockbroker is murdered at his luxurious country estate, and detective Philo Vance just happens to be there; he decides to find out who killed him.


Marco Perkins is a garage mechanic and a would-be-prizefighter who gets a place on the ritzy country club's polo team because he is the town's most proficient mallet-wielder, having learned to play polo while serving in the U.S. army. His hobnobbing with the town-elite and social upper-crust at the polo-matches gives him an inflated idea of his social position, and he decides he is is moving on up. He breaks off with his girl-friend, true-blue Cynthia Brown, and hits on débutante Gloria Staunton, who appears to have an interest in being hit upon. Gloria's interest lies mostly in showing Marco that hired-hands who can play polo still aren't to the manor born.


Cowhand Jim Cleve is wrongly accused of murder and rescued by Jack Kells, leader of a band of Idaho outlaws known as the Border Legion. But when the Legion takes Joan Randall prisoner and leaves Cleve to guard her, he realizes that he cannot remain part of an outlaw band and decides to rescue Joan.


Phony spiritualists were given a good going-over in the early talkie melodrama Darkened Rooms. Evelyn Brent stars as Ellen, a fraudulent medium working in cahoots with genuine clairvoyant Emory Jago (Neil Hamilton). The plotline is secondary; the film's main purpose was to emulate the methods of such professional "de-bunkers" as Mrs. Harry Houdini by exposing the various tricks of the spiritualist's trade.


A good-natured cowboy who is romancing the new schoolmarm has a crisis of conscience when he discovers his best friend is engaged in cattle rustling.


Philandering actor Richard Hardell is murdered at a movie studio. His jealous wife Blanche, his director Rupert Borka, and a girl he mistreated, Helen MacDonald, all have substantial reasons for having wanted him dead.


In this melodrama set during WW I, a gangster joins the army and is promoted to major. He then returns from war torn Europe to tell a family that their beloved son had died in his arms during a battle. The major then falls in love with the late soldier's sister and decides to accept a position in town as the new police commissioner.


A beautiful showgirl, name "the Canary" is a scheming nightclub singer. Blackmailing is her game and with that she ends up dead. But who killed "the Canary". All the suspects knew and were used by her and everyone had a motive to see her dead. The only witness to the crime has also been 'rubbed out'. Only one man, the keen, fascinating, debonair detective Philo Vance, would be able to figure out who is the killer. Written by Tony Fontana


Philo Vance investigates when a murderer preys upon members of a wealthy family on New York's Upper East Side.


A criminal known as Thunderbolt is imprisoned and facing execution. Into the next cell is placed Bob Morgan, an innocent man who has been framed and who is in love with Thunderbolt's girl, without knowing of their relationship. Thunderbolt hopes to stave off the execution long enough to kill young Morgan for romancing his girl.


Better known for her work in talkie "weepers," Helen Twelvetrees made a few preliminary appearances in such late silent films as Fox's Blue Skies. The audience was expected to believe that the twentysomething Twelvetrees and Frank Albertson are teenagers living together platonically in an orphan asylum. A wealthy old man comes calling to adopt Albertson -- who, feeling sorry for Twelvetrees, trades places with the girl. Thus it is that the heroine is carted off to a luxurious mansion, while Albertson remains behind. One year later, the old man discovers Albertson's deception, whereupon he invites the boy to live with him as well. By this time, Twelvetrees and Albertson are of marriageable age, thus the film ends with a wedding in the offing.

Arrogant and wise-cracking Brice Wayne enrolls at the United States Military Academy at West Point and adjusts to life as a plebe. He tries out for the plebe football team, where he excels and shows up the varsity team. However, his ego is unrivaled, especially in competition with upperclassman Bob Sperry. At the same time, Brice meets a local girl named Betty Channing who cheers for him at football practices.


A silent drama film directed by E. H. Calvert.

Young John Gallagher wants to be a newspaper reporter. One day he witnesses a murder committed by a mysterious man with only four fingers on one hand. He gives his account of the murder and a description of the killer to his hero, newsman Henry Callahan, resulting in his getting a job on the paper as an office boy. When circumstances arise that result in Callahan losing his job on the paper, he and Gallagher set out to discover the identity of the killer and help Callahan get his job back.


A boy finds it difficult to live up to his father's reputation at his school.

Released on July 3, 1927

The transition from horses to automobiles at the turn of the century causes problems between a father and son.


A Pathe serial in ten chapters of two-reels each: Dan Winterslip, a wealthy man in Honolulu, has not spoken to his brother, who owns a hotel next to Winterslip's estate, in over twenty years. Minerva, sister to the estranged brothers, comes from Boston to try to reconcile the two men. John Quincy Winterslip, Dan's nephew, receives a letter instructing him to retrieve a box from an attic in San Francisco and dump the contents into the ocean. He is on board a ship bound for Hawaii in which other passengers are also after the box. Dan Winterslip is murdered. Charlie Chan, a Chinese detective, offers to help solve the killing and the mysteries surround the box. Chan is looking for the person whose wristwatch is missing the number 'three.'


Kate Lennox is bored with suburban life and her husband, Harry. Their next-door neighbors, the hen-pecked Henry Fells and his wife, Maud, have several boarders, among them Barbara Farley, who is Lennox's stenographer, and Lonnie Whinston, who is in love with Lennox's little sister, Ruth. Kate claims that women need more independence and less duty, and flirts with Ned Hollister, a car salesman.

After being educated in England, Daisy Forbes returns to China, the country of her birth, and discovers that her father has recently died and that she has become a social outcast, owing to the public revelation that the oriental nurse who raised her was actually her mother...

A 1924 film directed by Sidney Olcott.

Inez Laranotta (Anna Q. Nilsson) is an actress who is notorious for her vamp roles and for the wild parties she attends. But images are deceiving -- the parties (and police raids) are staged by Inez's press agent (Harry Depp), and she is actually very devoted to her innocent younger sister, Fay Bartholdi (the lovely young Mary Astor).

John and Irene Emerson's marriage begins well enough, but it is not long before John becomes less attentive. Feeling neglected, Irene spends more time with her girl friends, and John, consequently, falls prey to the vamping wiles of his secretary, Jean Ralston. When John comes home from the theater smelling of Jean's perfume, Irene procures a divorce; John then marries Jean.

Basil Breckenridge, a broken old man on the verge of starvation, but concealing it because of his proud southern ancestry, is set upon by young ruffians on the street. The old man becomes infuriated and gives the young leader a shaking. His father, Ald. Connors, the city's political boss, happens along and attacks the old man, who strikes at him with his cane. The sword blade inside falls out and the police arrest him on the charge of assault with intent to kill.

Gloom overcasts the palace of Count Selim Nalagaski, governor general of Morovenia, Turkey. All efforts to make the count's elder daughter, the Princess Kalora, fat, synonymous with beauty in that country, have failed. Popova, the Princess's tutor, devises a terrible revenge because the count called him a Christian dog. He feeds the princess pickles to keep her thin.


Eli Turner, an unscrupulous lawyer, is defeated in court by Frank Morrison, a young attorney. Frank also has had the temerity to get in Turner's path over a girl. Now Turner plots to send Morrison to prison, but Nance, a mountain girl, who admires Frank, warns him of his danger.

Bob Halran, while riding in his machine, is struck by a small slipper which is thrown from a passing limousine. He suspects that the owner is in trouble, so speeds up, and by using a wrench as a revolver, forces the driver to stop. He then helps the girl into his car and they speed back to the city.

The hero is a young soldier who is in love with two girls simultaneously. While on the battlefield, the soldier learns that one of his sweethearts has committed suicide. Only temporarily taken aback, he begins to dream of the blissful domesticity which he will enjoy with the other girl upon his return.

A lawyer defends a woman accused of murdering her husband without knowing that the murdered man was his own brother.

A young woman's father arranges a loveless marriage for her to a banker to whom he owes money, but she is eventually reunited with the man she truly loves.

In order to avoid a pre-arranged marriage two members of the royalty exchange places with two American friends, who pass themselves off as the prince and the princess; romance eventually blossoms for all parties concerned.

A young woman lingers too long on the boat seeing her sweetheart off, and the two embark together on an unplanned elopement to Europe.

It was mother who through false love had sinned. Years later on her deathbed, as the last sacraments were administered, she confesses the folly of her youth. Her husband, a straightforward, conscientious man, had loved the boy as his own. A few days later the priest gives the son a note his mother had left him. The few lines on the first page sting him to the heart, but he does not weaken and his conscience tells him not to turn the leaf of his absolute disaster.

Frank Johnson, a wealthy landlord, without a heart, has no mercy for the poor. His cold attitude towards the public in general has a great influence in his life, and when he proposes marriage to Eleanor Groves, his manner is indeed anything but that of love. Eleanor, although she cares for Johnson, reprimands him and tells him that she could never marry a man as cruel as he is. Her last line of rebuff, "The ghost of your better self will appear to you and make you realize what a beast you are," gets Johnson to thinking.

A girl falls in love with a rich passerby. She breaks off her engagement, marries the rich man and moves to the city. After five years she feels very lonely, and goes to stay with her sister who lives a simple life with her family. She also sees her ex-fiance. When she is back in town, she realizes how empty her life is.

Mrs. Mulligan, although in poor circumstances, taken the child of her neighbor, who has just passed into another world, to live with her. Dolly becomes quite chummy with Tom, one of Mrs. Mulligan's sons, and during the child's saddest hours Tom comforts her. Tom proposes that Dotty write a letter to her mother in heaven asking her to come back.

Pierre, a trapper in the great northwest, catches a season's prize, a silver fox. Rene Bennett is fortunate in catching the mate. The two men are explaining to a trader, when Pierre discovers that his silver fox has disappeared from his sled. The trapper accuses Bennett and the latter is shot. Pierre flees and is seen later in the home of Mrs. Bennett, where she secretes him from the Northwest Mounted Police. Pierre later saves Mrs. Bennett from death, by carrying her to town, where he faces the man he had shot, her husband. The climax comes when a half-breed tries to sell Pierre's prize.

Detective William Burke is assigned to capture George Watson, an escaped criminal. Six years of sleuthing discovers nothing, and Burke reports to the chief that he is unable to capture the fugitive from justice. During the six years Watson has prospered, and with his wife and family settles in a quiet dignified neighborhood.

Irene Dupont, the pretty little French girl, in which John Braddon, Sr. had placed his affections, tires him and he casts her aside. Thorwald, a member in a political gang of "highbinders," unable to influence John Braddon, arranges with Irene to wreak vengeance upon his head, by making love to John Braddon, Jr.

Frank Clayton, a young city chap, plans a vacation on Uncle Barnes' farm. Going to his friend, George Randall, Clayton shows him Barnes' letter asking that George be brought along, as he has always been like a son to him and that someone will be glad to see him. George agrees to go and that night has a dream of the old days on the Barnes farm, where he worked as a young fellow and loved Barnes' pretty daughter, Mollie. Toiling on the old-fashioned place becomes irksome to him and he determines to seek his fortune in the city. Packing up his few things, he leaves a note for Barnes, then steals away in the moonlight and comes upon Mollie in the garden.
