Ed Ghertner

Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, Rabbit and others celebrate fun and friendship in the Hundred Acre Wood in these four stories. It's the thought that counts for Tigger's birthday present in "All's Well That Ends Well." Christopher Robin learns a lesson about responsibility when Kanga puts him in charge of Roo in "Babysitter Blues." In "Party Poohper," uptight Rabbit learns to chill. And in "Piglet's Poohetry," Tigger's imagination kicks into high gear.

The world's most highly qualified crew of archaeologists and explorers is led by historian Milo Thatch as they board the incredible 1,000-foot submarine Ulysses and head deep into the mysteries of the sea. The underwater expedition takes an unexpected turn when the team's mission must switch from exploring Atlantis to protecting it.


A documentary about the making of the cult classic Disney Movie Atlantis.
