Eddie Parks

Confederate veteran Jeff Waring arrives in Independence, Missouri shortly after the Civil War, intending never again to use a gun. He finds that rancher Artemus Taylor and his henchmen are forcing out the settlers in order to claim their land for the incoming railroad.


Three outlaws rob the stage and then flee. When their horses give out they murder some Indians to get fresh ones. But this puts the Indians on the war path and they have to take refuge in an Army fort to avoid them. The Indians then arrive offering peace if the three men are turned over to them. The fort's commanding Officer wants peace but the rules say the men must be tried in a white man's court leaving the Indians no choice but to attack.


The fastest gun in the West tries to escape his reputation.


A blacklisted reporter brings his shady ways to a small-town newspaper after being fired from a big city daily.


Two tobacco growers battle for control of the cigarette market.


Cleve Marshall is an assistant district attorney who falls for the shadowy Thelma Jordon. With her sordid past -- and her relationship with thief Tony Laredo kept secret from the married attorney, Jordon seduces the easily swayed Marshall, and uses him to cover up her misdeeds. When Jordon becomes the prime suspect for the murder of her wealthy aunt, she turns to Marshall, who goes to great lengths to clear her name.


All the passengers on an airplane headed for San Francisco are drugged, and when they wake up, it is discovered that a quarter-million dollars is missing. Charlie Chan--and, of course, his #1 son--must discover the identity of the person who doped the passengers and stole the money.


Michael Landers, a police lieutenant, sets out to investigate an intricate murder case. But, the case is closed after the only witness is found dead. Will Michael be able to fathom the mystery?


A gang of bank robbers is pursued by an insurance investigator.


A killer hides out in a small-town boarding house.


Doris Day, in her film debut, plays Georgia Garrett, a singer sent by jealous wife Elvira Kent on an ocean cruise to masquerade as herself while she secretly stays home to catch her husband cheating. Meanwhile equally suspicious husband Michael Kent has sent a private eye on the same cruise to catch his wife cheating. Love and confusion ensues along with plenty of musical numbers.


Milton Haskins, a math genius known for his infallibility with numbers, quits his job with an insurance company when he discovers he made a mistake, and hooks up with a traveling carnival. His knowledge of mathematics makes him a natural as an assistant at the wheel of fortune. His fiancée begs him to return to his job but he refuses, so she joins the carnival and becomes a striptease artist. When Milton attempts to drag her off the stage, a brawling mêlée breaks out and the entire troupe is arrested by the local police. The carnival is sold but Milton reveals that the new owner has conspired to defraud the insurance company. The insurance company has to accept the carnival in lieu of the money owed, and they allow Milton and his fiancée, Vivian, to stay with and help run the carnival.


Magazine owners (Jane Withers, Robert Lowery) sell a revealing photo, then play detective when the deal leads to murder.


Love and adventure on the Matterhorn mountain.


Sandra Carpenter is a London-based dancer who is distraught to learn that her friend has disappeared. Soon after the disappearance, she's approached by Harley Temple, a police investigator who believes her friend has been murdered by a serial killer who uses personal ads to find his victims. Temple hatches a plan to catch the killer using Sandra as bait, and Sandra agrees to help.


Cultures clash when a Jewish boy wants to marry an Irish girl.


Two T-men (Bruce Cabot, Roscoe Karns) track a tax evader and his money to an Idaho ski resort, where a raven tends bar.


A newspaper editor goes on an anti-crime crusade, but gets carried away.


Walter and Vivian live in the country and have a difficult time keeping servants. Walter then hires a private detective who has been fired for arresting the District Attorney. They only way that Walter can get Jerry to work for him is to tell Jerry that his life is in danger; the neighbor is trying to take his wife; and that Nazi spies are everywhere. Jerry needs a cook for his 'cover' so he gets his fiancée Susan to work with him. To keep Jerry working, Walter sends the threatening letters to himself and hires actors to play the spies but when a real group of spies disguised as a troupe of radio actors appears on the scene, events quickly spiral out of control.


"Dapper Dan" Franklin and his small troupe of actors become stranded in the small town of Harmony, Tennessee. The town is shackled by Blue Laws imposed upon it by a City Council under the influence of their domineering wives. Harry Cheshire is under the thumb of his sister Abigail Uppington. One look at "Pappy's" daughter Clementine, and Dan decides to stay in Harmony...Blue Laws or no.


Tim (Tim Ryan) has written what he thinks is a great skit about Antony and Cleopatra for the department store's annual employee show, but the boss insists on his goofy daughter (Irene Ryan) playing Cleopatra opposite Tim's Antony.
