Edgar Neville

Life events around a city street and its residents are told along the years while time goes by, wars break out and end and life evolves.


Pedro and Julian, two friends entomologists are in love the same woman, Adela, who decides to marry Peter. Julian attends the marriage, but acts against women as her own husband. The passion that unites the two friends, entomology, leads them to conclude a treaty. The woman, however, is not comfortable with the life she has lived and want to abandon them. Discovered that she suffers from the disease, makes men willing to please her in everything, without her knowing the reason for his change of attitude.


The finding of a wallet with a lot of money is the common theme of four stories, featuring a shoeshine from Seville, a clerk from Salamanca, a bullfighter from Cuenca and a newspapers seller from Paris .


In 1914, a young woman is taken to a coastal resort by her parents to find her a suitable husband.


Title changed to "Flamenco" when it was first released in the USA in 1954, this is a program of Spanish songs and dances with the emphasis on "flamenco" or gypsy contributions. The USA version has an English narrative written by Walter Terry, the dance critic of the "New York Herald Tribune" newspaper. Heading the cast are Antonio (I), Pilar Lopez and Maria Luz, three of Spain's foremost dancers of the time, accompanied by members of the Ballet Espanol. Filmed in Cinefotocolor in which orange and blue dominated, a combination that should appeal to the fans of Auburn University athletic teams. Distributed in the USA by Martin J. Lewis.


Divided in several episodes, this film presents different stories that share the fantasy theme.

Two fairy godmothers struggle to make their godchildren not fight and love each other, but a third person intervenes and worsens the situation.

Barcelona, 1860. Mr. Esteve, owner of a prosperous haberdashery and proud of his son Ramón, attends the christening of his grandson. Twenty years later, Ramón passes away and Mr. Esteve realizes that times have changed and that the family tradition of the haberdashery is at stake.


Fernando has just finished the military service. It decides to buy Bucéfalo, the horse that has been his partner for this time and returns to Madrid removing with it to the animal. But everything has changed, the city already neither is the same and even he nor finds stables nor has time to attend to it. This way the things remedy will not have any more that to look for any solution.


Biographic film about José de Salamanca


A young bullfighter full of illusions triumphs in Mexico and decides to get married there and forget about his old Spanish girlfriend, who by then has just given birth to his son.

Madrid, late 19th century. A wealthy woman is found murdered at home and her maid appears as the main suspect, but her statement entangles this seemingly simple case.


Madrid, Carnival Sunday. A night watchman finds the body of a woman, a rich and greedy moneylender who has apparently been murdered. The prime suspect is a watchmaker who owed her a lot of money.


After burying his late husband, a young widow leaves his pronvincial life and heads to the city. It was a very hard stage in her life, and she had to bear it with resignation, but now she's willing to make up for lost time. In the train she's travelling to the city she meets a fortune-telling lady.


In Madrid, Spain, at the end of the 19th century, the young and reckless Basilio seems to be the only person who perceives the spectral presence of Professor Robinsón de Mantua, who begs him to take care of his niece Inés, because she is in grave danger.


After suffering a family tragedy, Carmen leaves Spain and emigrates to Paris, where she will make new friends among some of the most peculiar characters who inhabit the bohemian neighborhoods of the city…


A Dutch sailboat finds the remains of a Spanish mail boat, which has collided with an iceberg. Inside the ship appear the corpses of a man and a woman, embracing each other. The logbook will explain their love story.


Nadia, a young Soviet journalist who is passing through Pompeii, discovers the power that comes from the Catholic faith when the painter she loves, Paolo, and who saved her from drowning during the shipwreck of the cruise in which they met, is at the gates of death because of a serious illness whose symptoms are similar to those of leprosy.


In Madrid, during a popular festival, Don Paco, the owner of a freak show called The Palace of Wonders, has to deal with the demands of Levinsky, a sinister character who apparently has something to hide…


Javier Navarro, a Falangist stationed in the Ciudad Universitaria, is ordered to infiltrate the Republican Madrid dressed as a militiaman to deliver a message to a leader of the fifth column. Once the order is fulfilled, he takes the opportunity to visit his girlfriend.


Rogelia, the orphan of an Asturian miner who died in a work-related accident, marries Máximo, a man as robust as jealous, drunk and violent. But when her husband is jailed, the woman will take advantage to escape with the doctor of the village so as to see the world and perhaps to form a family.


Spanish war propaganda documentary.


War propaganda directed by Edgar Neville


A Spanish propaganda documentary showing young men parading.

This Spanish lost film was a parody of Spanish zarzuelas.

Based on the novel of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, this comedy achieved certain recognition.


This Spanish lost film showed the misfortunes of several Spanish artists that dream about going to Hollywood.

The Spanish-language version of 1930's The Big House.
