Edson da Conceicao

Following the catastrophic crash of a large El Al cargo aircraft into Amsterdam's 'Bijlmer' high-rise district in October 1992, a local young veterinarian and two journalists find themselves drawn into a years-long investigation into the many puzzling questions, about the disaster and its aftermath, the powers that be seem determined to keep unanswered.


If you pursued populism, cancel culture and hatred on social media to their extremes, perhaps you would get a weekly, crowd-pulling reality show in which viewers can vote for which compa­triot must be executed — liter­ally. This brazen thriller follows Jelle de Haas, who starts working for the Sterf­show (Death Show) as a pathol­o­gist. It comes easy to him, until a candi­date ends up on top of the Death List who is very dear to him.

When a cab driver reluctantly has to pick up his last customer of that night in a deprived neighbourhood in Rotterdam, it turns out to be a lady that gives this last ride an unforgettable twist.

The three friends Em, Moreno and Kyon have raised a local money laundering practice in Rotterdam. They feel like kings and go home with a good feeling. In one night they find out that money is not enough to solve their problems.


A rowing boat bobs on an endless, foggy ocean, holding a young woman. She wakes up with a start when she hears a child cry for help. With each new scream, black spots appear on the woman’s body, as if a monster tries to escape from her. She tries to run from it, but in this short drama she ends up in a nightmarish trip through a dark world. No matter how far she flees, eventually she will have to confront the monster in herself.
