Eduard Izotov

USSR, 1980s. Svetlana Vasilievna is a young, energetic woman, often changing jobs, accustomed to achieving the goals that she set for herself in life. She always has a clear and detailed plan of action. Everywhere and in everything she follows her calculations, not giving vent to her feelings. Her next desire is to marry a “creative, intelligent” person. Good luck finds her on a simple fishing trip, where her best friend Mila invites her. On the bank of the river Sveta is introduced to Vladimir, a high-ranking official, but at the same time possessing excessive modesty and laconicism. A widowed man a few years ago, he is looking for a sincere and warm relationship, but, without suspecting it, he finds a marriage of convenience in the person of Sveta.


A film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Leo Tolstoy. The main character of the film is Prince Stepan Kasatsky, an officer, an ardent, proud young man — a big fan of the tsar. Kasatsky is going to marry, but at the last moment he learns from the bride that she was the mistress of the emperor. The prince is deeply disappointed in social life, he takes a monastic vow and leaves the capital. Faith in God was to save the soul, but passions and worldly temptations don't leave Kasatsky.


Based on the novel by Vasiliy Shukshin "The Lyubavins". In the winter of 1922, the Rodionovs, Vasily Platonovich and his nephew Kuzma, came to the remote Siberian village of Baklan, disguised as teachers sent from the district center to organize and build a school. In fact, this is an old Bolshevik and a young worker, authorized by the GPU, and their main task is to find out the whereabouts of a large and very dangerous gang, led by a former Kolchak officer, who instills fear in local residents.

The film is about dramatic revolutionary events happened in 1918 in Baku.


A fairy tale about a conceited young man and a young woman with a tyrannical step-mother, who must overcome magical trials in order to be together.
