Eduardo Breda

Created in parallel to the show Teoria das 3 Idades by Sara Barros Leitão, Caos Danado accompanies this creative process as its departure point. Based on the archive of the Teatro Experimental do Porto, it challenges our capacity to evoke and preserve memories through the various types of perception we possess. Caos Danado is a narrative deconstructed between fiction and documentary (lie vs. truth), because the one is not more important than the other.

Rafa is testing his new camera, Rui and Ana are picking him up. The camera keeps filming.


Different attitudes towards love, loss, faith and searching for the sense of life, revealed by familiarity of four characters.


A group of actors interpret the words of Basil, Lord Henry, Dorian Gray, Sibyl Vane and James Vane, from the novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde. Next to them are the Butlers - figures that compose the scenic space, essentially empty. In this adaptation of a literary work to the scene, the actors struggle with the movement of the words and their suitability for the drama. This film, instead of portraying the show creation process, sought a view from afar in order to enhance a point of view on the borders between art and life.

Luís Mário Lopes wrote the solo A Boa Alma for Mónica Calle in 2015, based on the works of Bertolt Brecht marking the departure of Casa Conveniente from Cais do Sodré and their arrival in the new venue in zona J, Chelas. The original score is by JP Simões.