Edvard Radzinsky

The film is dedicated to Alexandr Vertinsky - the great Russian artist, poet, composer. Some completely different biographies miraculously fit in his life ... A poet, an essayist Dmitry Vodennikov, a musician Andrey Makarevich, a writer and a historian Edward Radzinsky tell about this.

Based on Edvard Radzinsky’s play "104 Pages about Love". They saw each other in a cafe. They could not meet, as in this cafe there was nobody but the bartender. And then for a long time they lived, not seeing anyone around: love is self-sufficient, it rejects the superfluous. Meetings at the desolate metro station "Arbatskaya". He will make time between business trips, she between flights. Flowers and kisses outside, in the cold rain. A bed in his empty bright house. Parting again. But soon he will understand that "the most beautiful girl in Moscow and the Moscow region" is his fate...


She's not so young, not so pretty and has a weird name - but she still believes in founding her happiness.


A young talented dancer from Japan is invited to study ballet art at a school at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. She achieves professional success, for the first time real love comes to her. However, the girl’s happiness was short-lived — a sudden illness of blood interferes in the fate of the dancer, like an echo of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, where her parents lived.


One evening, in the company of his friends, the bachelor Stas for the sake of entertainment called the number, the numbers of which were called by his friends, putting a comic condition: “If a woman answers, you marry her.” A really pleasant female voice responded. Stas didn't dare to admit his company in this, again wanted to hear it, but couldn't remember the phone number. Then he asked everyone to remember their number. Having got acquainted with Lyudmila, Stas realizes that she is the woman of his dreams.


For the first time, Natasha saw Elektron Yevdokimov at the Polytechnic Museum, where she came with Feliks. Then she really liked the confident speaker. Relations with Feliks didn't work out, and Natasha, leaving home, became a flight attendant — that is what she called her new profession. Once in a cafe, before the next flight, Natasha saw Yevdokimov. They met and began to meet. They experience their feelings for each other in different ways. By the power of her love, Natasha makes Yevdokimov understand what love is.


Based on Edvard Radzinsky's play, the story critically examines the difficulties of a Soviet film production.
