
When Judge Yehia Ezz El-Din is assigned the task of trying the wealthy Maliki family for corruption, his quest for justice sends him on a dangerous adventure.

Three middle-aged women, Farida,Sherine and Laila, suffering from insomnia and difficulty sleeping, are brought together by fate to go through experiences that will help them overcome their problems and move on to a better life.

The work deals with a social drama, one of the stories of the Egyptian Upper Egypt society. After being accused of murder and serving a long prison sentence, he goes out and finds his friend has married his wife and attributed his son to him, and he decides to take revenge on him.

A social drama that chronicles the life of Al-Prince family, especially Radwan Al-Prince who, following the death of his parents, finds himself involved with his family members as he looks after them and tries to guide them through life.


Within the framework of the social drama, the series revolves around the Prince family, where Radwan Al-Prince, who shares many social family relations between him and his family, after the death of his parents, finds himself responsible ... Read more

Ibrahim is characterized by his reserve and fear from trying anything new as his life is full of routine. Through a publicity campaign his company, Ibrahim and his colleague Dalia travel to film a campaign called "Live Your Life"

An upper-Egyptian who lives on the border of the poverty line decides to earn an honest living by having two jobs: A teacher at a public school during the day, and a taxi driver in the evening. Yet, through his struggle to make ends meet he falls into the pit of drug trade.

Jasmine Sabri plays the role of a girl who is traumatized as a child by her father's death in front of her eyes, enters into disputes with his mother's family and travels from Upper Egypt.

In a parallel dramatic setting, the series takes place during the 1950s, through several intertwined and sub-stories, where a murder takes place inside Teatro, and the police begin searching for the killer.


A comedy that mocks some of the habits of the Egyptian society. The film deals with the idea of distortion that has happened to Egypt in recent years, and tries to address the issue and develop the aesthetic image of Egypt.

A man who married from the women he loved, yet after marriage somewhere in his heart his old love is still alive and beating, to live in a struggle between both of them.

When a young man looking for a good driving instructor for his mother receives a recommendation by an employee in one of the specialized driving schools to hire Hend (Ayten Amer), he soon starts falling in love with her.

Yaqut, a father, leaves his wife and kids and disappears for 20 years. The Devil, Wanoos, then visits his family, pretending to be their father's friend, and tells them that he and their father have made millions. A conflict between the children and their mother ensues, and they need to choose between going back to their father and his money, or keeping things the way they are.


A car dealership owner and his three daughters are in danger by a guy who had shady deal with in the past, he tries to protect them.

A police officer investigates a series of crimes


The film presents a parallel reality in the context of its events where it is assumed that (America) has turned into a developing country, and that (Egypt) has become a superpower, and amid the suffering suffered by one of the young people in America (Bassem Samra), trying in every way to migrate to ( The great Republic of Egypt), but what stands in its way as a stumbling block is the proliferation of bureaucratic procedures he faces for the dream of emigration to Egypt.

A famous football player is sent to prison after he is charged for a hit and run over a cop, and decides to regain freedom by forming a football team with the rest of the prisoners.


Four friends find themselves in an unexpected dilemma after one of them falls for their principal's daughter. They find themselves on the run from a drug gang, a terrorist organization, and the police after they are accused of trying to assassinate the Minister of Interior.


The film follows a master of ceremonies who introduces singers and dance numbers on stage in local weddings, and who aspires of gaining wealth to escape his poor town and marry the girl he loves, but on his way he faces a lot of difficulties.


A police officer is looking for those involved in a mysterious murder.

Disliked for his stinginess, Samir finds his life turned upside down when he receives a windfall and launches a television channel.


Raouf is an interior designer and an owner of a home furniture gallery. He is a very suspicious person when it comes to dealing with all people around him. It is only when he goes into a coma, he started to realise his mistakes and discover what all his friends and family think of him. Is it too late ?

In this dark comedy, an Egyptian scientist (Khaled Saleh) makes an important discovery, but is neglected by the Egyptian Ministry of Scientific Research. The only person who supports him is his daughter.


Hazem is a spoilt young man and a womaniser who takes advantage of his father's wealth to know more and more girls and stays away of commitment. When his father discovers what Hazem is doing, he starts to look for an appropriate wife for his son. Salma, is the lucky candidate who is desperately trying to change her husband's behaviour.


Jihan opposes the prevalent injustice and corruption that surrounds her. When she meets the pilot Samy, she is turned off by his self-centered view and careless attitude. But when love blossoms between them, Samy tries to get involved in her world and interests.


Single coworkers at a radio station are brought together by mutual friends, but their starry-eyed notions about love may scuttle their romance.


The film revolves around a romantic romantic comedy in which Doctor Hazem (Ahmed El Sakka), a gynecologist who is concerned with his unique decorator (Dora), is stunned by his inability to conceive and has to resort to vaginal injection.

The film revolves around the sexual problems experienced by women after marriage for various reasons vary from one woman to another where the film presents 4 models of 4 women suffering from these problems after marriage


This production is a light hearted comedy. The protagonist is an esteemed cartoonist that works at a news firm. The protagonist undergoes a difficult situation and emerges partly wounded. Following this experience he insists on going back to work but something about him has changed – he lets go of some of his upstanding principles to become “respectable less one quarter”


The film revolves around the sexual problems experienced by some women after marriage. The reasons vary from one woman to another as the film displays the 4 cases for 4 women suffering from these problems after marriage.


Masry el Araby is an American-Egyptian citizen who travels back to his home town (in Egypt) after living in the US for 20 years. He has this idea of Egypt being a wonderful and amazing country, but the idea soon crashes as he faces reality. After arriving in Egypt, Masry is treated badly when he uses his Egyptian Passport. But then when he starts using his American Passport as an identification card, he is paid with a lot of respect. He faces many problems as he loses both passports.


The film revolves around a private academy in which young people are divided into "Cheltenham" and there are conflicts between them that the president of the Academy is trying to solve

Events revolve around a dictator, played by Hassan Hosni, who has twin children (played by Khald Sarhan) and the people revolt against him and tries to recover his people's trust again.


An unsocial and eccentric man living alone, accompanied by voice in his ears, telling him what he is doing and sometimes what will happen, he resorts to a psychiatrist to get him out of this situation. The psychiatrist advises him to enter into a romantic relationship and, events follow, to a surprise ending.

A terrorist Muslim group calls for the execution of Sheikh Hassan for refusing to join their organisation. At the same time, a priest ,Marcos, is also facing death threats. Both men seek help from the government, who puts them under the witness protection program, giving each man the other's identity.


A comedy about a young man who desperately wants to be gangster.

A terrorist group trying to blow up a nightclub and when a terrorist goes to blow the club finds that there are people who do not deserve death


A young guy who works in a bank and chases women all the time, visits one of the wizards one day; upon returning from that visit he acquires the ability to see the true nature of each person; when one the wealthy men approaches him to get a loan from the bank, he refuses but that he gets the young guy into many problems.

An Egyptian businessman who got an enchanted necklace of good luck. One day it got stolen and he begins a journey to get back his stolen necklace


Professor Ramadan is a feared and well respected teacher in a village, forced to take a job in the city teaching at a private school. He soon realizes that most of his students are infatuated with a famous singer whom he tries to ban all mention of within the school, only to fall in love with her himself.


يتناول الفيلم قصة شاب يدرس في كلية الطب يعيش هو وأصدقائه حياة مستهتره بين تعاطي المخدرات وأهمال الدراسة, ثم يقع في حب فتاة محجبة متدينه تقود مظاهرات فيحاول التودد إليها فيشترك في المظاهرات ويتدين حتي تتم خطبتهم وبعد ذلك تكتشف حقيقته أنه يتظاهر بالتدين فقط فتقرر ان تفترق عنه وتتابع نشاطها إلى ان تكون فريسة منظمة ارهابية, ولكن ينجح أحمد عيد خطيبها السابق في انقاذها وبعد ذلك تصاب بحالة انهيار وتسقط المعايير امامها وتنقلب حياتها فتخلع الحجاب وتتحول إلى شخصية اخري وتحاول أن تعود إلى خطيبها ظنا انها كانت مخطئة وان حياة خطيبها المستهترة هي الطريق الصحيح للحياة ولكنها تجده قد تدين ويرفض الحالة التي تعيشها بعد خلع حجابها وفى النهاية ترجع وترتدي الحجاب وتذهب لتشجع منتخب مصر في مبارة كرة القدم فيشاركها التشجيع في المباراة ويختتم الفيلم بزواجهما.

The movie is about a very naive young man (Ahmad Helmi), who wants to fix his house before it falls, but does not have the money, and rich girl who likes to spend money uncontrollably (Ghada Adel), whose father is scrooge (Hassan Hosni), who would not give her access to her trust fund. In order to force her father to give her money, she stages a kidnapping with the assistance of her best friend (Reham Abdul Ghafoor) and the naive young man, who ends up falling in love with her.


A young girl seeks help in a stranger to convince her strict father she got married in secret so as not to be forced into and arranged marriage


A child who loves the cinema struggles with a fanatic dad who finds everything (including cinema) a sin, and a mother who is sexually repressed.


Youssef El Sherif plays the role of a young lawyer named "Ali", who comes to him with a call "unknown number", then he replies to it, and he talks to him with many problems, and he is exposed to a violent hurricane within a few days , especially his strict principles, and his ideas of honor and honesty. You will commit crimes that could not have occured , so what if he is the one who commits it? Can a phone call change the course of your life so that you wish you didn't answer it?