Edwin De La Renta

Trapped within a county lines drug gang, a teenager with high functioning autism finds escape by practicing tap dance in and around the concrete jungle of Milton Keynes.

In New York, former convict Pete Koslow, related to the Polish mafia, must deal with both Klimek the General, his ruthless boss, and the twisted ambitions of two federal agents, as he tries to survive and protect the lives of his loved ones…


At the cusp of India's birth as an Independent nation, a family makes an arduous journey to freedom at a cost. A young boy Bharat, makes a promise to his Father that he will keep his family together no matter what.


Prodigal scientist and technology entrepreneur, Dr Faust, seeks to emulate Gods ability to create life. He sells his soul to the devil in order to realise his greatest ambition - to create the world's first super-human.
