Ekaterina Nosik

A well-meaning but hapless functionary in grips of mid-life crisis is appointed to run Russia's Ministry of Long-term planning - a small, underfunded, understaffed and generally ignored state agency. With a team consisting of sycophants and corrupt cynics he embarks on an idiotic quest to make Russia great again.


The story begins with the good, but poor Potter, who once finds Flint, a magical artifact that makes its owner rich, but instead sends a death curse. Potter can be saved only by the dedication of the main character - a girl named Twinkle. Without hesitation, she rushes to the rescue of a friend, helping him to understand that love and honest work are more important than money and power.


Five novels about a radio network in our life. Someone use it as a tool for influence, someone for an expression of feelings and someone just for cynical calculation.


A girl left a young handsome hockey player on the eve of the decisive match. Moreover, she did not go to anyone, but to a museum worker. To support a friend, five hockey players and a goalkeeper go to the museum to explain to the art critic that he did wrong and the woman must be returned. How could the athletes know that the museum is not just a place where statues stand and pictures are hung on the walls. That in giant vaults-storerooms, ancient as the world creatures, which our ancestors described in myths and legends, rest in frozen form. And they are supervised in the image of quiet museum workers by the same immortal humanoid entities…

Olya and Mitya love each other very much and do not want to live life like "ordinary people". The gray reality and the prospect of turning into ordinary people frightens them. The future is poorly predicted. But why predict something that can be done? Professionals are already rushing to help, everything will be organized.