Ela Lehotská

Lena is a 17-year old girl, experiencing her first love, secret night- time adventures, and magical mornings at the river in Bratislava. Her dream world is shattered after being raped by her math teacher. Lena must set out on a journey that is not simply about coming of age, but a struggle with herself. Others misunderstand her, and will never quite get her. It is Lena who must grow up and realize that she is not the one who deserves punishment and should feel guilty.


Ela, 15, has a love affair, which results in her being sent to a re-education center.


Frantisek Soukenický is a psychiatrist with an apparent life in order ... until the appearance of a former lover scorned. She ends her career and Frantisek ends without a job, his wife (who left him for another man) and homeless. He doesn´t have choice but to start from scratch, and know that everything that happened was his fault. Abandonment, reunions, commitment and the suffering caused certain relationships when they reach their final part of this film that combines drama with dry humor.
